[list] [*] Changes to the Morbid Fascination of Undeath talent: [list] [*] Stats of your undead companions get automatically boosted everytime you descend to the next dungeon level. [*] You can not use any weapons or ammunition that does holy-damage. [/list][*] You can now trigger detected suspicious furniture to reveal themselves by firing at them from afar with a reach / ranged attack. The attack itself does not do damage. Worst quality of ammunition is automatically used. (Detected suspicious furniture is mostly mimics, living statues, and such, and is marked with a red "!" on the furniture) [*] You can spring detected traps by firing at them from afar with a reach / ranged attack. [list] [*] Worst quality of ammunition is automatically used. [*] Traps that affect a single creature do nothing when sprung from afar, but Animate, Confusion, Dismiss, and Summon traps are very usable. [*] Expert Trapper gives a +4 bonus to hit the trap. The Seeker Shots talent can not be used to shoot at traps. [/list][*] Weapon changes: [list] [*] New property: shafted. Shafted weapons deal 50% more damage on hit when Charge talent is used. Polearms, spears, hoopaks, and urgroshs are shafted weapons, but staves are not. [*] Urgrosh: removed great-property. Added reach- and shafted- properties. [*] Hoopak: Added shafted-property. [/list][*] Charge talent description updated: [list] [*] "You take one step towards a target creature, and make a melee attack with +3 modifier. You will cause 50% more damage on hit if you are wielding a weapon with the shafted-property. The talent's action cost is used instead of the weapon's action cost. Polearms (bardiche, glaive, halberd, ranseur), spears (spear, shortspear, trident), hoopaks, and urgroshs are shafted weapons, but staves are not." [/list][*]You now get experience points from killing creatures while possessing someone. [*]Companions now correctly use flasks (of poison, slime, etc.) when in regroup-behaviour. [*]If the player leveled up before all of his companions had arrived on the map, then the companions not yet on the map didn't get the level up. Now after everyone has arrived on the level, a check is made to level up all companions up to the player's experience level. [*]Some new pages to the game over / win menu: [list] [*]A kill count page with randomly positioned images of all killed monsters, a list of fallen companions, and a list of ascended companions. Only shown if applicable. Obituary files also have the fallen / ascended companions listed. [/list][*]Replaced the menu click sound effect file. It was an OGG file that mysteriously every now and then sounded a bit distorted, something you could hear with headphones at least. Replaced it with the same effect but in uncompressed WAV format. [*]Some typos fixed. [/list]