[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44473278/75b8ef6db4819c69d0bb5b9617c633a76e2b9e8a.jpg[/img] [h2]New Features:[/h2] [list] [*] The game has been updated to a newer version of the Unity engine. According to player feedback, there were occasional issues with picking up items and other bugs. It turned out that the version of Unity on which the game was originally developed behaved incorrectly in certain situations. Despite all my fixes, the bug preventing item pickup continued to appear for some players. Special thanks to the user "Uncle Pasha," who provided a game save that helped identify what exactly was happening. After three days of testing, a solution was found—updating to a newer version of the Unity engine. After over 15 hours of testing, the game showed stable performance, and some levels saw a 15-20% improvement in performance. [/list] [h2]Changes and Improvements:[/h2] [list] [*] Improved physics accuracy. [*] Enhanced sound quality. On the old version of the engine, sound would occasionally stutter. This has now been fixed. [*] Improved overall game performance. [*] Fixed a bug where the damage effect wouldn't stop after exiting toxic water via teleport. [*] Other minor fixes and improvements. [/list] [b]Remember, stalkers:[/b] I read all your suggestions and feedback, and I strive to respond quickly. The Zone is always changing, and each trip into it presents a new challenge. Stay alert and cautious. Good luck! There's much more exciting content ahead!