[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44473278/17abb5231fac8da07f6e779f179c57f910a1c504.jpg[/img] [h2]Changes and Improvements:[/h2] [list] [*] The footstep system has been completely reworked: it now responds to whether you are running, walking, or sneaking. [*] All walking sounds have been completely changed. Previously, you walked like an ordinary civilian; now you're a badass stalker :) [*] A bug that could prevent completing a quest line has been fixed. [*] The left-hand pose for the AK-74 has been corrected. [*] A bug with the "Migraine" artifact has been fixed. Previously, after being activated by the detector and placed in the backpack, it could become invisible again. This has now been corrected. [*] Corrections have been made to the tutorial mission in connection with the addition of the ability to place more than one marker on the map in the PDA. [*] In the tutorial mission, the detector has been moved from the drawer to the table. Based on the videos I’ve watched, no one was opening the drawer—everyone's too lazy :). So now it’s on the table :) [*] A bug with magazines has been fixed where an empty magazine would still visually show bullets. [*] Textures have been improved on some levels. [*] Minor tweaks and fixes on some levels. [*] Partial optimization has been carried out on some levels. [/list] [h2]A little help from the developer:[/h2] [list] [*] To place an item (magazine) in the backpack, you don't need to take it out. You can bring the item behind your back, and it will automatically go into the backpack, where it will be neatly stored! [*] There is no pause menu in the game when pressing a button on the controller. I made this unconventional decision in a previous project and transferred all the functions of the drop-down menu to the PDA :) [*] When you take out a weapon from behind your back, it sways slightly—this is the weapon’s balance. It simulates weight, as holding a large firearm in real life is challenging, especially since you are not holding it by the center of gravity, but closer to the end. So when you take it out and try to grab it right away, the foregrip marker may not light up immediately, but you can still catch it and grab the foregrip. Just like in real life. [/list] Remember, stalkers: I read all your suggestions and feedback and try to respond to them quickly, though sometimes it’s physically challenging—handling such a workload alone. And remember, the Zone is constantly changing, and every time you venture into it, it’s a new challenge. Stay alert and cautious. Good luck! There’s much more exciting stuff ahead for you!