[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44473278/17abb5231fac8da07f6e779f179c57f910a1c504.jpg[/img] [h2]New Features:[/h2] [list] [*] A new quest chain has been added for the AFU faction. The quest can be obtained at the Outpost from the faction commander. [*] Patrols can now be encountered in the raid location "Abandoned Village." This depends on your progress in the game. Those just starting out and gathering their first loot will not encounter patrols. [*] A seated height calibration mode has been added. It can be activated both in the main menu and through the player’s PDA. [/list] [h2]Changes and Improvements:[/h2] [list] [*] The quest system has been improved: it is now impossible to accidentally receive a completed quest again. Additionally, for those who have already received repeat quests and are unable to cancel them, after completing the AFU quest chain, they will be fixed and canceled. [*] The player's height in seated mode has been adjusted. [*] Minor tweaks and fixes have been made on some levels. [/list] [b]Remember, stalkers:[/b] I read all your feedback and comments and strive to respond promptly. The Zone is constantly changing, and each time you enter it — it’s a new challenge. Be careful and vigilant. Good luck! There’s still much more to come!