Weigh anchor and power up your warp drive—[url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/8500/EVE_Online/]EVE Online[/url] and World of Warships are teaming up! Fans of both earth-bound and interstellar naval combat can take advantage of bundles featuring exciting content for both games at a comfortable 50% discount. [b]World of Warships x EVE Online: Celestial Navigator Bundle[/b] https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/34514/World_of_Warships_x_EVE_Online_Celestial_Navigator_Bundle/ World of Warships content: [list] [*] American Tier VI cruiser Pensacola equipped with the sci-fi-themed Bionic permanent camouflage [*] Commander Katrina Hush Gareth with 3 skill points [*] 3 days of Warships Premium Account [*] 1x The Space Station patch [/list] EVE Online content: [list] [*] WWI dazzle camouflage-inspired SKINs for frigate, destroyer, and battlecruiser [*] Advanced ""Boost"" Cerebral Accelerator [*] 3 days of Omega time [*] 350 PLEX [*] 135,000 Skill points [*] Two trinkets [/list] [b]World of Warships x EVE Online: Dual Destroyer Bundle[/b] https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/34515/World_of_Warships_x_EVE_Online_Dual_Destroyer_Bundle/ World of Warships content: [list] [*] British Tier III destroyer Valkyrie [*] Commander Dart Norman with 3 skill points [*] 7 days of Warships Premium Account [*] 15x Sci-Fi Space expendable camouflages [*] 1x The Spaceship patch [/list] EVE Online content: [list] [*] WWI dazzle camouflage-inspired destroyer SKIN [*] Standard ""Boost"" Cerebral Accelerator [*] 7 days of Omega time [*] 295,000 Skill points [*] Three trinkets [/list] Both World of Warships and EVE Online are [b]free-to-play[/b], so if you’re new to either game, don’t hesitate to download and try it out before purchasing any bundle. But don’t mull it over too long—these special bundles will only be [b]available from September 22 through 27[/b]!