Follow the news — get the goods
Author: Lisa 莉莎 WOWS,
published 2 years ago,
IIf you like reading our news on Steam, there’s a good chance you’ve already subscribed. But if you haven’t yet—we’ve got a sweet new reason to do so!
Each month, subscribers will get a [b] FREE Steam container[/b]! We’re going to send one out today (for those already subscribed) and another one at the end of the month.
[b]To subscribe, click the "Follow" button either on [url=]the store page[/url]
or [url=]the community hub[/url].
Each Steam container drops 10x signal flags and one of four random items: 250 Doubloons; or 5x Steam camouflages; or 10,000 Free XP; or 1 day of Warships Premium Account.