This is a short overview of the planned features for Update 13.6. If you'd like to participate in the Public Test for the next update and read more about its features, visit the dedicated article on our website: [url= style=button][b]EU[/b][/url] [url= style=button][b]NA[/b][/url] [url= style=button][b]ASIA[/b][/url] [h3]Changelog[/h3] [*]Fixed a bug which caused equipping a second flag to not work as intended for American aircraft carriers. [*]Fixed a visual bug with the ship preview option in the Armory. [*]Fixed a bug which sometimes prevented players from changing the volume of the in-game music when in battle. [*]Fixed several other small issues. [b]IMPORTANT![/b] This update is still being tested. The information in this article is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Some changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the update goes live. [h3]Mode Shuffle[/h3] The highlight of the current test is the [b]Mode Shuffle[/b], a new temporary battle type that places you into one of three game modes: [list] [*][b]Airship Escort:[/b] Help your team's airship reach the finish line first by escorting it and hindering the enemy airship's progress. [img][/img] [*][b]Convoy:[/b] Enter the battle as either a raider or defender as a flotilla of AI transport ships push forward to reach their destination across the map. [img][/img] [*][b]Arms Race:[/b] The battlefield is littered with buffs for your team. Be the first to claim them and leverage your advantage to defeat the enemy team! [img][/img] [/list][h3]New French Destroyers Line[/h3] A new branch of French Destroyers from Tiers V–X will be entering Early Access soon! Introducing L'Adroit, Duchaffault, Le Hardi, L'Aventurier, Orage, and Cassard. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] This line features powerful torpedoes with high damage, speed, and a long range. Starting with Le Hardi, these torpedoes will deal considerable damage at close range, but decrease in power the farther they travel. [i][b]Note:[/b] These ships will not be available during the Public Test.[/i] [h3]Support Consumables in Brawls[/h3] In Update 13.6, you will be able to participate in three Brawls, featuring a twist to make battles even more engaging. [b]Support consumables[/b] will boost your team's effectiveness in battle. You may remember them from the Piñata Hunt event or 25th season of Clan Battles, but this time, the rules have changed: only specific support consumables will be available in each format.