[h2]Update 13.2[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31013613/e745b87df5c13bdc76c269f6fe6055c9b086d31b.jpg[/img] Update 13.2 is now fully deployed, Captains! It brings a new branch of [b]Commonwealth cruisers[/b] into Early Access, as well as significant [b]submarines updates[/b] and, later this month—the [b]Piñata Hunt[/b] game mode for April Fools' Day! Read all about these new features and more in the patch notes right here: [url=https://worldofwarships.eu/en/news/general-news/early-access-to-commonwealth-cruisers/ style=button][b]LINK[/b][/url] [h2]13.2 In-Game Events Calendar[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31013613/def26e264a124585f78de59db9e09b6424bcfae5.jpg[/img] All the activities happening during the new update—from Brawls to combat missions—are now all laid out in one convenient location to help you plan ahead! Speaking of missions, here are a few you can already get started on this weekend: [list] [*][b]Luck of the Irish:[/b] Follow the leprechaun through an eight-part chain with a pot o' gold at the end! [*][b]Festival of Color:[/b] If you play on the EU or Asia servers, celebrate the Indian festival of Holi by picking up an Indian Tricolor permanent camouflage via a short chain! [*][b]Benito Juárez Day:[/b] We've not forgotten the NA server! If you play there, you can unlock signals galore and a More Coal container with this three-parter. [/list] [b]More info:[/b] [url=https://worldofwarships.eu/en/news/sales-and-events/armory-132-early-access-bundles-and-more/ style=button][b]LINK[/b][/url] [h2]Brawl #1[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31013613/d534d40f1d970887b4cdd30d5acc4963d747330a.png[/img] Get your brawlin' fix this weekend with the first session of the update! [list] [*][b]Format:[/b] 5v5; Tier VIII ships [*][b]Restrictions:[/b] 1 aircraft carrier, 4 battleships, 1 submarine; cruisers and destroyers cannot participate [/list] [h2]Ranked Battles Season 16[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31013613/d9dbc28534215eeb219ccec155f735734980e913.png[/img] Flex your competitive skills this weekend with a brand-new Ranked Battles season. Start racking up Steel, Doubloons, and more! A new season means we're all starting from the bottom! So, here are the deets on the Bronze League: [list] [*][b]Format:[/b] 6v6; Tier VIII ships [*][b]Restrictions:[/b] 4 battleships, 4 destroyers, 1 submarine; aircraft carriers cannot participate [/list] [h2]Commonwealth Cruisers: Early Access and Event Pass[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31013613/10355b3dc0dc1d03a1d2cd4b26dd644085d2deae.jpg[/img] At long last, the Commonwealth Tech Tree bears a branch of its own! Get to know the 10 new ships by reading a dedicated article. You'll also find out how to nab some of them in Early Access! The Commonwealth cruisers are also the stars of this update's Event Pass, which includes a unique permanent camouflage for [b]Delhi[/b], historical Commander [b]Harold Farncomb[/b], Coal, Steel, and more! [b]More info:[/b] [url=https://worldofwarships.eu/en/news/general-news/early-access-to-commonwealth-cruisers/style=button][b]LINK[/b][/url] [h2]Submarine Changes and Free Upgrade Demounting![/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31013613/ac57468ae279f044cb7d165d3f2d409f146b24de.jpg[/img] More tweaks have made it into the game to further combat "shotgunning" by submarines. Their torpedoes will now inflict varying amounts of damage depending on travel distance, plus there are more changes to explore. Due to the changes affecting upgrades, you can demount them free of charge during the first week of the update. [b]For a full breakdown of the changelog, see our dedicated article:[/b] [url=https://worldofwarships.eu/en/news/general-news/changes-to-submarines-part-2/ style=button][b]LINK[/b][/url] [h2]St. Patrick's Day Random Bundles[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31013613/68381d780a2576f15d2b77caedea071daff25de4.jpg[/img] Honor the Emerald Isle this Saint Patrick's Day with bright green camouflages, a leprechaun Commander, and even Premium cruiser [b]Belfast '43[/b] in a new set of random bundles for Doubloons in the Armory!