[url=https://youtu.be/KVNY6yc3khs][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31013613/67e06a166871271db3235c3e0ac31d564c0541ec.jpg[/img][/url] [b]To celebrate April 1st, hot tub battles are making their return to the game in Update 12.2![/b] Pick one of six rubber duckies and engage in bubbly battles on the updated Hot Tub map. Use stylized weapons, including a new one—[i]splashy mines[/i]. Have fun colliding with other ducks and obstacles on the map to experience the special rubber-like collision physics. [h1]WORLD OF WARSHIPS X PLACID PLASTIC DUCK SIMULATOR[/h1] To celebrate the event, we’ve teamed up with [b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1999360/Placid_Plastic_Duck_Simulator/]Placid Plastic Duck Simulator[/url][/b] to give you the full quackin’ experience with an exclusive offer on Steam. Pick up the “World of Placid Plastic Duckships” bundle to get the Placid Plastic Duck Simulator base game together with the “World of Warships — Quacken Unleashed!” DLC for World of Warships, which includes all the paraphernalia you’ll need to emulate a rubber duck in any game mode. https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/30571/ [table][tr][th][b][url=#rules]Rules[/url] [url=#duck-features]Duck Features[/url] [url=#rewards]Rewards[/url] [url=#duck-tales]Duck Tales[/url][/b][/th][/tr][/table][previewyoutube=KVNY6yc3khs;full][/previewyoutube] [hr][/hr] [h2][b][h1=rules][/h1]Rules[/b][/h2] You can participate in [b]Trouble in the Hot Tub[/b] battles only during the specified time period. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31013613/3e6535636dc39a0fd9993464040e04a90bb6c087.png[/img] [b]Starts:[/b] [b]Thu. 23 Mar. 10:00 CET (UTC+1)[/b] [b]Ends:[/b] [b]Thu. 20 Apr. 01:00 CET (UTC+1)[/b] The battles will take place on the updated Hot Tub map. Animated elements now surround the map, and the water has become transparent. Learn more about these and other features of the map [url=https://worldofwarships.eu/news/general-news/developer-diaries-trouble-in-the-hot-tub/]here[/url]. [img]https://wowsp-wows-eu.wgcdn.co/dcont/fb/image/tmb/77f1a332-c4bc-11ed-9690-ac162d70f4e4_1200x.jpg[/img] [img]https://wowsp-wows-eu.wgcdn.co/dcont/fb/image/tmb/77f11ec6-c4bc-11ed-bd62-ac162d70f4e4_1200x.jpg[/img] [img]https://wowsp-wows-eu.wgcdn.co/dcont/fb/image/tmb/77f1887a-c4bc-11ed-be5e-ac162d70f4e4_1200x.jpg[/img] [img]https://wowsp-wows-eu.wgcdn.co/dcont/fb/image/tmb/77f1a77e-c4bc-11ed-a976-ac162d70f4e4_1200x.jpg[/img] [quote][i]Battles utilize a 7 vs. 7 format with Domination mode rules.[/i][/quote] [quote][b]Trouble in the Hot Tub is only available between the following times: [b]09:00 – 00:00 UTC[/b][/b][/quote] [h2][b][h1=duck-features][/h1]Duck Features[/b][/h2] A total of six rubber duckies of different types are available—two destroyers, two cruisers, and two battleships. [list][*]All players will immediately receive one ducky of each type—[b] [b][b]X[/b] Don de la DuQue[/b][/b], [b] [b][b]X[/b] Luigi McQuacci[/b][/b], and [b] [b][b]X[/b] Quackaducko[/b][/b]. [*]Earn 20,000 Base XP on each starter duck of the corresponding type to gain access to the remaining duckies—[b] [b][b]★[/b] Duck Punchis[/b][/b]; [b] [b][b]★[/b] Furo[/b][/b]; and [b] [b][b]★[/b] D.U.C.K.[/b][/b][/list] [expand style=more][img]https://wowsp-wows-eu.wgcdn.co/dcont/fb/image/tmb/13e3f7d2-c4bc-11ed-a916-ac162d70f4e4_1200x.jpg[/img] [img]https://wowsp-wows-eu.wgcdn.co/dcont/fb/image/tmb/13e23f32-c4bc-11ed-8ce3-ac162d70f4e4_1200x.jpg[/img] [img]https://wowsp-wows-eu.wgcdn.co/dcont/fb/image/tmb/12ae4c0a-c4bc-11ed-92b6-ac162d70f4e4_1200x.jpg[/img] [img]https://wowsp-wows-eu.wgcdn.co/dcont/fb/image/tmb/13e3fb06-c4bc-11ed-bd62-ac162d70f4e4_1200x.jpg[/img] [img]https://wowsp-wows-eu.wgcdn.co/dcont/fb/image/tmb/1401c5f0-c4bc-11ed-979a-ac162d70f4e4_1200x.jpg[/img] [img]https://wowsp-wows-eu.wgcdn.co/dcont/fb/image/tmb/13e2cefc-c4bc-11ed-a976-ac162d70f4e4_1200x.jpg[/img][/expand] All rubber duckies have a new type of armament—[i]splashy mines[/i]. Laying these mines is similar to dropping depth charges; however, the mines do not submerge underwater. The mines explode a little while after being laid or upon contact with other duckies, and they can cause flooding. [img]https://wowsp-wows-eu.wgcdn.co/dcont/fb/image/tmb/77f0b9f4-c4bc-11ed-92b6-ac162d70f4e4_1200x.jpg[/img] In addition to mines, the rubber duckies are armed with familiar weapons that have been specifically stylized for the event. The exact armaments depend on the duck type: [list][*]Destroyers are armed with fizzy torpedoes and high-explosive bubbles. [*]Cruisers are armed with high-explosive bubbles. [*]Battleships are armed with armor-piercing bubbles.[/list] High-explosive bubbles don't cause fires, but they do have chances of causing flooding. [quote][i]Since the duckies are made of rubber, they won't take any ramming damage. If they collide with each other or other objects on the map, they will simply bounce off, gaining a speed boost.[/i][/quote] [h3][b]All ducks also have special equipment.[/b][/h3] [table][tr][td][img]https://wows-wowsp-global.gcdn.co/media/ceph-image/5f011bea-c733-11ed-83ac-ac162d70f4e4.png[/img][/td] [td] [h3][b]Sticky Bandage[/b][/h3] Stops flooding; prevents the spread of bacteria. It's not a medicine and it has limitations. Consult with a specialist before using. [/td][/tr] [tr][td][img]https://wows-wowsp-global.gcdn.co/media/ceph-image/5efd4d1c-c733-11ed-9fce-ac162d70f4e4.png[/img][/td] [td] [h3][b]Air Pump[/b][/h3] Partially restores the duck's HP and lifts its spirits. [/td][/tr] [tr][td][img]https://wows-wowsp-global.gcdn.co/media/ceph-image/5f2ea34e-c733-11ed-8e1c-ac162d70f4e4.png[/img][/td] [td] [h3][b]Engine Whoosh[/b][/h3] Increases the duck's maximum speed and determination. [/td][/tr][/table] Special duck Commanders with animated portraits will take the helms of the duckies. [hr][/hr] [h2][b][h1=rewards][/h1]Rewards[/b][/h2] By participating in Trouble in the Hot Tub, you can complete special daily and weekly combat missions that will earn you [b][b]Community Tokens[/b][/b]. [table][tr][th][b]Daily mission[/b][/th][/tr] [tr][td] Gain a victory in Trouble in the Hot Tub. [b]Reward:[/b] [b]30[/b] Community Tokens. [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr][th][b]Weekly missions[/b][/th][/tr] [tr][td] Earn 5,000 Base XP in Trouble in the Hot Tub. [b]Reward:[/b] [b]350[/b] Community Tokens. [hr][/hr] Earn 15,000 Base XP in Trouble in the Hot Tub. [b]Reward:[/b] [b]400[/b] Community Tokens. [hr][/hr] Earn 50,000 Base XP in Trouble in the Hot Tub. [b]Reward:[/b] [b]550[/b] Community Tokens. [/td][/tr][/table] [quote][i]The first victory in Trouble in the Hot Tub will earn you a [b]special commemorative achievement[/b].[/i][/quote] [img]https://wows-wowsp-global.gcdn.co/media/ceph-image/bfbbce60-c730-11ed-afa1-ac162d70f4e4.jpg[/img] [hr][/hr] [h2][b][h1=duck-tales][/h1]Duck Tales[/b][/h2] [h3][i]Don de la DuQue[/i][/h3] [expand type=details] [img]https://wows-wowsp-global.gcdn.co/media/ceph-image/f045579e-c731-11ed-8888-ac162d70f4e4.png[/img][b][img]https://glossary-wows-st.gcdn.co/icons/nation_flags/tiny/flag_Events_c00ae03bb6b6afedd442ab8f5fe510fb23735730bf8b7c863e5e8121610e1ac4.png[/img] [img]https://glossary-wows-st.gcdn.co/icons/vehicle/types/Destroyer/special_5d797363651721d76cdb3439cd23845b7efcb8af4c5c3f76cc41b2537b6fc415.png[/img][b][b]X[/b] Don de la DuQue[/b][/b] comes from a wealthy and influential duck family, and his fate has been closely intertwined with Fishy since the moment of her birth. Sophisticated Don de la DuQue is famous for his high speed and maneuverability, but only a few know that he has torpedoes and mines, as well as Engine Whoosh with a long action time. During the day, he is an aristocrat with clean feathers and graceful manners, a master of small talk; at night, he is a duck avenger in an elegant suit. He takes bread from the geese and gives it to the ducks. [/expand] [h3][i]Luigi McQuacci[/i][/h3] [expand type=details] [img]https://wows-wowsp-global.gcdn.co/media/ceph-image/f03531e8-c731-11ed-af82-ac162d70f4e4.png[/img]High speed and a great firing rate, as well as his evident skill with high-explosive bubbles and splashy mines, distinguished [b][img]https://glossary-wows-st.gcdn.co/icons/nation_flags/tiny/flag_Events_c00ae03bb6b6afedd442ab8f5fe510fb23735730bf8b7c863e5e8121610e1ac4.png[/img] [img]https://glossary-wows-st.gcdn.co/icons/vehicle/types/Cruiser/special_333a61069a325ba8314cbbae96c1a345c7b03ce9dd6c10cd486cc53c1855ef68.png[/img][b][b]X[/b] Luigi McQuacci[/b][/b] at the police academy. Years have passed, and the legendary mallard has long abandoned the police badge, said goodbye to Cap's team, and enjoyed resting in his home pond. But his plans changed when Luigi McQuacci learned that a gang of wild geese were causing a ruckus in the city and had kidnapped the lady duck of his heart. Luigi McQuacci is ready to do anything to save her. He's even willing to fire up his Engine Whoosh once again! [/expand] [h3][i]Quackaducko[/i][/h3] [expand type=details] [img]https://wows-wowsp-global.gcdn.co/media/ceph-image/f02f32c0-c731-11ed-bea0-ac162d70f4e4.png[/img][b][img]https://glossary-wows-st.gcdn.co/icons/nation_flags/tiny/flag_Events_c00ae03bb6b6afedd442ab8f5fe510fb23735730bf8b7c863e5e8121610e1ac4.png[/img] [img]https://glossary-wows-st.gcdn.co/icons/vehicle/types/Battleship/special_fdb3e9eabba1009b1c4adb7b370a68a29483aa7a0fe11935b2405792c4968d71.png[/img][b][b]X[/b] Quackaducko[/b][/b], a special-purpose mallard, left his service in Cap's elite unit and had been enjoying a peaceful life as an exemplary family man and raising his daughter to the best of his abilities. But now, he's been forced to take up arms again after his daughter was kidnapped by a former goose dictator who had been once overthrown by Cap's squad. Quackaducko inspires fear in even the toughest geese with his survivability and salvo weight, while armor-piercing bubbles and splashy mines give him the necessary firepower to emerge victorious from any fight. Hiding from him won't work either, for he's equipped with Engine Whoosh, albeit with a short duration time. [/expand] [h3][i]Duck Punchis[/i][/h3] [expand type=details] [img]https://wows-wowsp-global.gcdn.co/media/ceph-image/f04bd6fa-c731-11ed-99fd-ac162d70f4e4.png[/img]As a representative of the law, [b][img]https://glossary-wows-st.gcdn.co/icons/nation_flags/tiny/flag_Events_c00ae03bb6b6afedd442ab8f5fe510fb23735730bf8b7c863e5e8121610e1ac4.png[/img] [img]https://glossary-wows-st.gcdn.co/icons/vehicle/types/Destroyer/special_5d797363651721d76cdb3439cd23845b7efcb8af4c5c3f76cc41b2537b6fc415.png[/img][b][b]★[/b] Duck Punchis[/b][/b] uses martial arts and montage magic to show the bad guys what mallard-style justice looks like. Duck Punchis is so fast and maneuverable that geese don't even attempt to flee from him. What's the point in trying when his torpedoes and mines leave no chance for escape? And they don't even know about his enhanced Engine Whoosh with its long duration time. [/expand] [h3][i]Furo[/i][/h3] [expand type=details] [img]https://wows-wowsp-global.gcdn.co/media/ceph-image/f03e46a2-c731-11ed-905d-ac162d70f4e4.png[/img]The First Duck-Goose Skirmish gave rise to the legend of a fast duck, feared for his high firing rate, high-explosive bubbles, and splashy mines. Only Cap and Fishy know that this is no legend but a true tale of their battle-proven friend—[b][img]https://glossary-wows-st.gcdn.co/icons/nation_flags/tiny/flag_Events_c00ae03bb6b6afedd442ab8f5fe510fb23735730bf8b7c863e5e8121610e1ac4.png[/img] [img]https://glossary-wows-st.gcdn.co/icons/vehicle/types/Cruiser/special_333a61069a325ba8314cbbae96c1a345c7b03ce9dd6c10cd486cc53c1855ef68.png[/img][b][b]★[/b] Furo[/b][/b]. And he can move even more swiftly with his Engine Whoosh. When the veteran returned to action looking to find his old friends, the local geese suggested to him that it might not be the best idea to linger in the hot tub. But Furo doesn't play by anyone else's rules, and the real hunt has begun. [/expand] [h3][i]D.U.C.K.[/i][/h3] [expand type=details] [img]https://wows-wowsp-global.gcdn.co/media/ceph-image/f03531fc-c731-11ed-bcef-ac162d70f4e4.png[/img]A cyborg mallard has come under Cap's command from the future to save a mallard family. Brought up on the most delicious bread, his creators have become too fat. Such gluttony caused the decline of duck civilization, and the long-running battle with the geese was lost. Cyborg mallard [b][img]https://glossary-wows-st.gcdn.co/icons/nation_flags/tiny/flag_Events_c00ae03bb6b6afedd442ab8f5fe510fb23735730bf8b7c863e5e8121610e1ac4.png[/img] [img]https://glossary-wows-st.gcdn.co/icons/vehicle/types/Battleship/special_fdb3e9eabba1009b1c4adb7b370a68a29483aa7a0fe11935b2405792c4968d71.png[/img][b][b]★[/b] D.U.C.K.[/b][/b] must destroy all bread stocks and figure out when the ducks crossed the point of no return. He's armed with armor-piercing bubbles and mines, has Engine Whoosh with a short duration, and is renowned for his high survivability and salvo weight. [/expand]