[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31013613/44a4797447a0b0b34b0d2bbeb87b120264b2edcb.jpg[/img] [b]Event starts: January 27, 2023[/b] [b]Event ends: February 17, 2023[/b] Captains! If you’re an active World of Warships player here on Steam, you may have noticed 3 new items dropping anchor in [url=https://steamcommunity.com/my/inventory/#552990]your Steam Inventory[/url] just recently. Don’t let them just sit there and gather dust—these [b]“Tokens of Friend-ship”[/b] are special! [expand style=more] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31013613/5521a035335fd5b74496f726fabbc478f3346f52.png[/img] [/expand] Launch the game to activate one of them to [b]receive a random container[/b] and a [b]More Coal container[/b]. [h3]And here’s the kicker:[/h3] the other two you can [url=https://steamcommunity.com/my/tradeoffers/]gift to any of your Steam friends[/url] who are not playing World of Warships (either they have never played the game or they haven’t played in 30+ days)* – If they activate them, you will [b]receive a bonus 3 days of Warships Premium Account[/b] for each one [u]after the end[/u] of the event! * [b]Warning:[/b] only 1 item of this type can be used per game account. So gifting to another active user would be pointless and in any case would not count for bonus Coal. [h3]And as for the friends activating your gifts…[/h3] [list][*][b]New players get:[/b] [list][*]Premium cruiser Charleston [*]30 days of Warships Premium Account[/list] [*][b]Players who haven’t played in more than 30 Days get:[/b] [list][*]7 More Coal containers [*]3,000,000 Credits [*]7 days of Warships Premium Account [/list][/list] [b]What are you waiting for? Head [url=https://steamcommunity.com/my/inventory/#552990]to the Inventory tab[/url] in your Steam profile page and [url=https://steamcommunity.com/my/tradeoffers/]share the love![/url][/b]