[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31013613/3caf50cc96dc4355b544c8e22849c07443753fd8.jpg[/img] Commanders! We've cooked up a fresh new batch of gifts. Want a bite? Take part in our giveaway! [h1]How to Enter:[/h1] [list][*]Leave a comment under this news post.  [*]Fight five battles in the following battle type: [b]Asymmetric battle[/b][/list] [h1]Prizes:[/h1] [list][*] Guaranteed prize: 200 Community Tokens [*]Superprize for 5 random winners: 1x Premium Ship VIII container[/list] [h1]Rules:[/h1] [list][*]The superprize winners will be picked at random from the pool of participating unique users. [*]Any comments that break the discussion rules may be deleted or excluded. [*]We will announce the results in this thread on June 26. The prizes will be awarded within a week.[/list] We wish you good luck and following seas!