Customize your profile to get rewards!
Author: b_b,
published 1 month ago,
Greetings, Captains!
We’re holding a special and easy-to-enter giveaway with guaranteed prizes!
[h1]How to Enter:[/h1]
[olist][*]Use one of our World of Warships backgrounds ([url=]here[/url] or [url=]here[/url]) and avatar ([url=]here[/url]) to [url=] customize your Steam profile[/url].
[*]Drop a comment to help us identify you as an event participant.[/olist]
[list][*]Guaranteed prizes: 200 Community Tokens
[*]Superprize for 5 random winners: 1x Premium Ship VIII container[/list]
[list][*]Your profile must be [url=] public [/url] so we can check whether you have met the event requirements.
[*]The avatar and background must stay on your profile for at least a week.
[*]Any comments that break the discussion rules may be deleted or excluded.
[*]The results will be announced in this thread on November 15th. Prizes will be awarded within a week.[/list]
We wish you good luck and following seas!