Progress update
Author: -=NE=-,
published 9 months ago,
Dear users!
You already noticed that we made a small update today.
Most users don't see changes, but those who have access to the testing could find in a list several models.
Villar Perosa M1915
Winchester Model 1912
Dardick Model 1500
Ithaca 37
They are in alpha testing, which means that they are in progress and you may find a lot of issues with them, but that also means that we will release a new model soon.
Status of the models:
Villar Perosa - Operation and Disassembly ready, no texture
Winchester Model 1912 - Operation and Disassembly ready, no texture
MGD MP-9 - Operation and Disassembly ready, no texture
Dardick Model 1500- Disassembly ready, no operation, no texture
Ithaca 37-will be added soon