World of Guns: Suppressed Guns Pack 50% discount!
Author: -=NE=-,
published 2 years ago,
World of Guns: Suppressed Guns Pack 50% discount!
This set of 3D models contains guns designed for use with sound suppressors (silencers): not as quiet as Hollywood led us to believe, but every bit as special.
Included models:
1. Welrod MK - pistol
2. HK SL9SD - rifle
3. Mac-10 - smg
4. Kriss Vector SMG - smg
5. UZI - smg
6. SW M&P - pistol
7. Nagant m1895 - revolver
8. BT MP9 - smg
9. AKS 74U - assault rifle
10. Walther PP - pistol
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