[h1]Howdy spellslingers! [/h1] [h2]Even more guns have been announced![/h2] We've wrapped on the second week of our preview month for "Bounty of Guns," where each week in February we post a gun-a-day from our upcoming update to social media. This week, we highlighted the wide variety of elemental weapon styles that will be available, but it just scratched the surface of what's possible in "Bounty of Guns!" Whether you're an ice-cold alchemist spellcaster or a charming magus gunslinger; there is a gun for you! [h3][b]Vitriol[/b][/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40716960/dd92fd41b3b5d54a2139212ffebf217cc7973475.png[/img] The Cult of Lead has developed numerous weapons to better spread poison and corruption. Vitriol is one of their most successful experimental weapons yet. Each shot adds an additional poison dose to its bullet, making it the ideal companion to lethal finisher spells! [h3][b]Cold Hard Revenge[/b][/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40716960/d59b198c1f3ea13dca6e862f5c7aee0de2e4b332.png[/img] Serve your revenge ice cold with a rifle that enhances the potency of chilling and freezing spells! The alchemists of the Cult of Cobalt have created this wand with an inner barrel of crystal ice. The result is a smooth-firing rifle that can stop your enemies in their tracks. [h3][b]The Lover's Quarrel[/b][/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40716960/25378c5297c64e4b013bdc050ad03657476aa2c1.png[/img] The followers of Flora and the magi of the plains don't belong to any of the gun cults, so the inventor of this charming wand remains a mystery. Regardless, they built the perfect wand for a battle magi: every shot that heals your allies heals you too. Whether it's a fellow gunmancer or a charmed inhabitant of the Shatter: this gun [i]loves love[/i] and wants to spread it around. [h3][b] The Shocker[/b][/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40716960/2c7b7d6c29d119eec952b39e42fb44cefb6c9da5.png[/img] The industrious Cult of Iron have invented a multishot wand that releases extra electrical bullets with every shot fired. The primary bullet is more powerful than the average shotgun's, and the extra arcing bullets add excellent bonus damage. [h3][b]Malediction[/b][/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40716960/faea84276abaae8c1776c36ce6eab92486a0c94f.png[/img] Draco Scarpath is renown for his extraordinarily powerful gunmancy. The downside to his obsidian-infused wands is that every shot drains the life from their wielder's body. The more powerful the gun, the higher a toll it takes. Most wizards stay far away from his cursed weapons... except those who prize power above all else. You can see all the new guns in action here: [previewyoutube=bsg7hrkaMIo;full][/previewyoutube] We can’t wait to show you what’s in store next week! Follow us on [url=https://twitter.com/galvanicgames]Twitter[/url] or hop in our [url=https://t.co/s2afqOPxl4]Discord[/url] to see each new gun as they're revealed. [b]See you gunmancers next week![/b]