[h1]Howdy spellslingers! [/h1] [h2]Even more guns have been announced.[/h2] We've wrapped on the third week of our preview month for "Bounty of Guns," where each week in February we post a gun-a-day from our upcoming update to social media. This week, we highlighted the wide variety of elemental weapon styles that will be available, but it just scratched the surface of what's possible in "Bounty of Guns!" Whether you're an ice-cold alchemist spellcaster or a charming magus gunslinger; there is a gun for you! [h3][b]Repenter[/b][/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40716960/72808bad664072f6057edf8753ad21a53225ff67.png[/img] The Repenter is another classic piece of Fidrow Ironworks commonly used by the Cult of Iron. While it only holds six bullets in its cylinder, this revolver fires far more potent spells than the basic flintlocks of the Imperium. [h3][b]Viper's Fangs[/b][/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40716960/be537369aa1a5f5a149cb4ae6c9844cf59e65d3b.png[/img] Scavenged metals from the Fell sell for high coin to the Cult of Lead. The Viper's Fangs is a gun custom-built from that toxin-infused lead. Differing greatly from the average shotgun, the Viper's Fangs fire two toothy spells at a longer-than-average range. This gun can be tricky to master but deadly once you do. [h3][b]The Crystal Locus[/b][/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40716960/34e147df9ed02b6e06dd8fee1c229bccf353a47c.png[/img] While most alchemists value predictability in their outcomes, some hunters of the Frozen Wastes desire bonus bursts of pure power. The Crystal Locus gives that extra oomph by focusing arcana through a crystal lens. Sometimes that energy hits just right, and the results are devestating. [h3][b] Fishskull[/b][/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40716960/fc7476abda9b5263c9147d568e44cdc920e7e65d.png[/img] The fossils of dead fish from the barren sea don't hold any specific magical properties, but a few gunslingers have built powerful rifles from them. Stylish and intimidating, this rifle packs a punch. [h3][b]HC Nimbus[/b][/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40716960/8252259e09c243ebe70e80731a1ca9062a44bb09.png[/img] The guncrafter Heather Corbuster makes a line of stylish and efficient guns for the alchemists of the Cult of Cobalt. You can tell one of her guns by their art deco styling and her initials in front of the gun's title. While not as powerful as some of her competitors, HC's guns have low recoil, making it easier to fire them on the run. The HC Nimbus is her streamlined pistol. You can see all the new guns in action here: [previewyoutube=QhDuTdbDz-8;full][/previewyoutube] We can’t wait to show you what’s in store next week! Follow us on [url=https://twitter.com/galvanicgames]Twitter[/url] or hop in our [url=https://t.co/s2afqOPxl4]Discord[/url] to see each new gun as they're revealed. [b]See you gunmancers next week![/b]