The highlights include the community's suggestion to reset Stamina when interacting with stations or sections of the Hermitorium — thanks for that! What's next? Unless there's an emergency, this will be the last patch for the next two weeks. We're now focusing on the "Fast Response" patch, as outlined in the roadmap (see the last news). This update will include a slight redesign of the game's first hour, general improvements to the Island, and some UI updates and quality-of-life enhancements. Next week, we'll recap the Steam launch, but it's already been incredible for us. Despite very limited marketing (and that’s putting it mildly...), your word of mouth has helped the game reach a much wider audience. Those big streamers playing Witchfire? That’s organic — they’re playing it because they like it, and they heard about the game from you. Thank you! Here are the detailed patch notes: [h2]Highlights[/h2] [b]QoL Hermitory Upgrade:[/b] [list][*]All stations regenerate your stamina when interacted with [i](Community Suggestion)[/i][/list] [b]Cursed Treasures:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed inaccessible Treasure locations [*] Tweaked Treasure spawnpoints that were particularly hard to spot [*] Tweaked Treasures’ look so they fit better with the environment [*] Slightly lowered the chance that multiple treasures will spawn right next to each other [/list] [b]Others:[/b] [list] [*] Whisper no longer stuns Familiars / Faithfuls, knocks them back instead. Please note that technically this is not a nerf but a bugfix. The weapon always had “capable to stunning almost any enemy” in the description. [*] Both open and locked supply chest now drop more White Raven Feathers [*] Changed the order of early Light Spell research order, so the player gets access to more elemental variety earlier. [i](Note: This will not impact any in-progress player research)[/i] [/list] [h2]Also:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed rare crashes caused by async saving requests [*] Returned hit fx to mushrooms to make it clearer which ones deal damage [*] Fixed a couple of typos [*] Fixed a minor shader bugs on sights of both Sniper Rifles that was causing the sight of Basilisk to show a big red X while jumping with lowered crosshair [*] Fixed enemies being able to see the player through a wall in a few obscure scenarios [*] Submitted a potential fix to the audio stuttering problems present at the entrance to the Tower [*] Re-established the priority settings for some audio cues [*] Some general sound rebalancing [/list]