A big thank you to those who have let me know about bugs so that I can get them fixed as soon as possible! A shorter list today, BUT ... there's a few that have been here for awhile that I'm happy to say are fixed! [list] [*]Fixed and issue where you could avoid the monster and basically soft lock. SHE is now angrier, and Riley won't let you trigger this event unless she is carrying the right too. [i]Riley will let you know if you have it or not.[/i] [*]Fixed a variable being incorrectly set to false, meaning you could both die AND complete your objective. [i]This obviously broke things :)[/i] [*]Mouse sensitivity when loading a saved game is no longer ridiculously high! [*]Improve code for setting of volume and graphics settings on scene load. This no longer runs once every few seconds and instead only at the start of the scene when things have changed! [*]Reduced time it takes for doorbell to ring in the first scene. Now 20 seconds instead of 30. Helps the pace a little. [*]Riley no longer telepathically interacts with items in the store room if she is outside the door. [*]Fixed blue flicker when picking up the camera in the main living area. [*]Fixed the blue screen flash when collecting camera in reception/labs area. [/list] Known Issues: [list] [*]Stuttering in main living area seems fixed. Further testing is happening to make sure. [/list]