Hi all! We're here with another update, this time adding [b]checkpoints[/b]. To be fair, we were a bit disappointed when we saw so many people simply lacked the skill to reach the further stages, but alas, we can't all be perfect... You can now enable checkpoints from the game lobby screen, which will allow you to save your progress along the way. Do note that games played with checkpoints do not count for the global leaderboard. There are 4 checkpoints along the map: [list] [*] Beginning of the fist park [*] Marketplace entrance [*] Marketplace end [*] Beginning of the second park [/list] Happy delivering! [h2]Changelog[/h2] Additions ⭐ 🤩 Added the ability to enable checkpoints 🤩 You can now see the leaderboards without having to finish the game 🤩 Added Ukrainian Bugfixes 🪲 🐛 Increased time between playing the same voice lines 🐛 Added a delay between respawn voice lines 🐛 Fixed a bug when reassigning controls 🐛 Fixed a bug where music would stop when a song change happened while paused