A question we often got asked is whether we would support Steam Deck, and the answer to that is a resounding [i]yes[/i]. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45146170/f722cec226edae392a49dfe1531b64abc1c0f9b1.png[/img] This post is just to give you a bit more of an idea of what to expect whilst we're waiting on Steam's official rating. [h2]Controls & Navigation[/h2] Since we were going for full controller support for this game, it only makes sense we have support for Steam Deck as well. Controls are rebindable in-game and we also have full Steam Input support. Personally I feel you have a bit more finetuned control in-game when using KBM, but we've been able to finish the game as well using only the deck's controller. The only thing[b] we are missing but are actively working on is menu navigation using the DPad[/b], for now you will have to use either the left joystick or the touchscreen for this. Expect this to be fixed soon. [h2]Performance[/h2] To give you a better idea of how performance will look, these are the stats from one of our heaviest areas in the game, having different TDP limits and their accompanying framerates. [list] [*] 3W - ~45FPS [*] 4W - ~64FPS [*] 5W - ~80FPS [*] 10W - ~120FPS [*] 15W - ~170FPS [/list] This means you don't even need to worry too much about your battery being drained! [h2]Support[/h2] Should you still experience some issues with deck, you can let us know through either [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/3138570/discussions/]Steam discussions [/url]or in our [url=https://discord.gg/WSus22f8aM]Discord [/url]server. Happy delivering!