Hiya Scrubs! What an exciting day! A launch date, some minimum specs AND the chance pre-order the game with a discount?! Gah, we spoil you guys ;) Below we've compiled a list of questions that have been frequently asked by the community, if you have any others you can head over to Facebook or Twitter and I will do my best to get you answers! Thanks :) Lauran Community Manager --- [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31780790/ecd1c5da5ad0aa982fed03a61c4196021af3e798.png[/img] [b]When is the game coming out?[/b] The game will be fully available on 30th August 2018! Pre purchase now for a 10% discount! https://store.steampowered.com/app/535930/Two_Point_Hospital/ [b]Who’s making Two Point Hospital?[/b] Two Point Hospital is being made by Two Point Studios and will be published in partnership with SEGA. Two Point Studios is made up of veteran games developers who have worked on a wide range of titles, including Fable, Theme Hospital, Theme Park, Treasure Face, Black & White, The Movies, Startopia and more. [b]How will I be able to play Two Point Hospital?[/b] You’ll be able to purchase and play Two Point Hospital via Steam. [b]Will the game be coming to Mac?[/b]Yes! Oh goodness yes!! [b]Will the game be coming to console?[/b]Never say never, but right now our focus is on PC, MAC and Linux. [b]Will I need a Steam account to play then?[/b] Yes. But signing up for one is really easy! Find out more here -> https://store.steampowered.com/join/ [b]Can I play offline?[/b] Yes, you can! The game fully supports Steam in offline mode. [b]Are you coming to Early Access?[/b] We have no plans to bring Two Point Hospital to Steam’s Early Access platform. I’m afraid you’ll just have to wait until August when we release the game! But if you’re keen to see a peek of what you can expect, be sure to stay tuned to our social channels for screenshots, updates and even gameplay videos in the coming months. See links above! [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31780790/c5198b8b4264a19484ae305dae91efa1f9e07c7d.png[/img] [b]What are the minimum PC specs for Two Point Hospital?[/b] We've recently announced our min specs in a blog, you can check it out here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/535930 [b]Can I stream the game before it launches?[/b] As you can imagine, we have had a huge amount of interest in Two Point Hospital from Streamers and YouTubers. If you would like to be added to our list of potential streamers, please send your channel link, how many subscribers you have - but don't worry, this isn't a popularity contest - some indication of your channel growth, what kind of games you usually play and any other information that you think may be of interest to us to: twopointhospital@sega.co.uk [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31780790/fad94cfae761922ce050b6264a0e50216e9c0957.png[/img] [b]What is Hospital Pass?[/b] Hospital Pass is a special, free club! If you’re a member you get a free in-game item on launch (only available to Hospital Pass members), early access to trailers (before even the press), exclusive videos and a regular health-check email rounding up everything you might have missed. You can sign up at www.twopointhospital.com and access Hospital Pass content right away! We’ll be adding to this virtually every single week between now and when the game is released. [b]Will Two Point Hospital be available for pre-purchase?[/b] Yes, we will announce more details on this when we get closer to the time of availability. [b]Will the game be free-to-play?[/b] No, this is a paid downloadable title in the mould of other PC simulation games. You may have noticed a second currency in the game called 'Kudosh', this is not related to microtransactions in any way! It's an in game reward currency. [b]How can I keep up to date with Two Point Hospital on social media?[/b] Oh how kind of you! We would love you to come and join us and our community for a chat whenever you can! We can be found here: http://www.twitter.com/2pointhospital http://www.facebook.com/twopointhospital http://www.youtube.com/twopointhospital [b]How can I give you a load of money to say thanks for being amazing?[/b] Just leave it in the usual place, thanks. We'll also accept coffee and puppies.