[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31780790/b6bbe460b202ea430cfd8124e2b9000c4412ccca.jpg[/img] Ghastly greetings everyone, Can you BELIEVE it's that time of year already!? Get your pumpkins carved, strange things are happening in Two Point County once again... paintings are seeping & patients are weeping... it's Spooooooky Mode AND the Steam Halloween Sale where you can grab Two Point Hospital at a huge 75% off! That's right spooky fans, Two Point Hospital is TERRIFYING once again! We even heard a rumour that if you stand in front of a mirror and say "Agatha Sphere" three times, she mysteriously appears (she doesn't... don't worry... we're not that mean). [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31780790/8f5f4b739f94a0db5c07593459d90d09e8780508.gif[/img] Is this your first time celebrating Halloween with us? Oooh you lucky devil! Here's a little heads up of some of the changes you can expect to see in Spooooooky Mode for the next couple of weeks: [list] [*]A range of spooky songs that'll send shivers down your spine [*]FRIGHT Headedness... do not try to cosplay this ok? [*]New main menu skin [*]Night time lighting in the following levels:[list] [*]Tumble [*]Meltdowns [*]Roquefort Castle[/list][*]A ghastly, awesome swelling of refreshed in-game items: [*]As if the carnivorous plant wasn’t scary enough… it’s now officially a botany nightmare [*]Doggo paintings are seeping a strange green goop [*]Don’t look under the ward beds… [*]The Flamingo and Gnome have taken on a new form [*]Spooky Reception areas [*]Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble at the front entrances [*]…and more! (we don’t want to spoil everything right?)[/list] We hope you have an awesome Halloween whatever you're doing! Be sure to treat yourself to some delicious treats, play lots of games and put pumpkin in LITERALLY EVERYTHING.