Happy Wednesday, Scrubs! Prepare yourselves - in addition to our big news today (which you can expect around 3pm!), we’ll also be showing LIVE gameplay of Two Point Hospital for the very first time! So set your watches and join the Live Stream Dream Team (our own words) consisting of myself and Craig, as we play through an exclusive preview of the game! Will we lay out their rooms the way you want? Will we hire janitors with potentially rude names? Will we let patients die for our own amusement?! There’s only one way to find out! Tune in at 5.30pm BST TODAY http://Twitch.tv/SEGA See you there! Lauran [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31780790/15d3301fa5bab46531eabb15a3baccea20772edf.png[/img]