[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31780790/d0ac3b5c191381f4a4601f862cbb4534dd2b1509.png[/img] Good Afternoon Scrubs! Ahead of a special guest appearance that Tom and Phil will be making tomorrow on our live stream, we thought it would be the perfect time to introduce you to these fine fellows. The guys don't work alongside us in the studio, they have their own little hideaway where they busy themselves with everything they need to do to make Two Point sound fantastic! And they're doing a helluva job, I'm sure you'll agree! LET'S GET TO KNOW TOM AND PHIL! WOOOO! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31780790/3bbf70fc4fe31b66f0da1eba94742c52dc51e40f.jpg[/img] [b]How long have you been in the games industry?[/b] Tom: Working professionally.. about 3 years? Phil: 3 learning curve filled years! [b]First game you worked on?[/b] Tom: 'The Sexy Brutale' (made by the great guys down at Cavalier) was our first project together. Phil: We also did some work on a smaller game called 'Upwards Lonely Robot' around that time too.. [b]Fave game to play at home?[/b] Phil: 'Don't Starve'.. i've been pretty obsessed with it since it coming out on the switch.. Tom: I wish it was 'Animal Crossing' for the switch, but currently I’ve been playing ‘Sea Of Thieves’ with Sam (from TwoPoint) and trying to convince him to not shoot every pirate we see.. [b]Fave little person game?[/b] Phil: 'Rollercoaster Tycoon 1', so many childhood memories… sacrilege I know. Tom: My sister and I were obsessed with ‘Theme Park’, but we were the weird kids who played it on the PS1 rather than PC. [b]When you’re not slogging away at Two Point Studio, where can you be found?[/b] Phil: Probably playing a guitar or piano or trying to make a sound out of something?? Tom: What Phil actually means is running around fighting gyms in ‘Pokemon Go’! He’s started going off for walks by himself on lunch breaks.. [b]What’s your party trick?[/b] Phil: I have got very pointy ballet feet which is quite amusing to some… Tom: My party trick is pointing out how weird Phil’s feet are. [b]Now, the quick fire round! Answer these as quick as you can! If you could buy ANY kind of food RIGHT NOW what would it be?[/b] Phil: Mars Ice cream bar. Tom: Melon? [b]Favourite movie quote?[/b] Tom: “When life gives you lemons, just say **** the lemons and bail.” -Paul Rudd, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Phil: ... [b]What’s your fave 90s tv show?[/b] Phil: Saved by the Bell Tom: The Fresh Prince of Bel Air [b]In your opinion, where’s the worst place you could get stuck?[/b] Phil: In a studio with tom all day… Tom: A plane, and ouch. [b]If you worked in a hospital, what would you do?[/b] Phil: Keep all the patients entertained by blasting some rock music through the tannoy.. When I got fired I would busk outside for loose change. Tom: I’d be a janitor. [b]Day or Night?[/b] Phil: Day Tom: Night, (see why we’re a good match?) [b]Last film you watched?[/b] Phil: Game Night Tom: Magic Mike XXL (don’t ask). [b]Cats or Dogs?[/b] Phil: Dogs Tom: Dogs [b]Coffee or Tea?[/b] Tom: Coffee Phil: Tea for me [b]Who’s your fave member of Two Point and why?[/b] Phil: Mark Webley as he has always had faith in us for some reason as we are so new to the industry he puts a lot of responsibility in our hands which we love! Everyone is great though.. must be hard being so nice to the sound guys who once almost deleted the build… Tom: Mark Webley and Gary Carr have been great to us, but I’d be crazy not to say Ben Perry. He’s been putting up with my nonsense since day 1, but always manages to help us get the sound working the way we want it to. [b]What’s the most delightful word you can think of?[/b] Phil: Pizza Tom: Sofa [b]You’re going out to buy cheese, what cheese do you get?[/b] Phil: Halloumi, Brie, mozzeralla balls and 2 multipacks of cheesestrings.. (cheese is great) [b]What’s the last thing you liked on social media?[/b] Tom: an old man playing some really chilled blues in a guitar shop on Instagram.. [b]You have to do a dance, what song will it be to?[/b] Phil: Dead or alive - 'You Spin Me Right Round’ Tom: Taylor Swift - ‘Shake It Off' [b]You’re running for PM, what will be your campaign slogan?[/b] Tom: ‘We’re gonna give renewable energy a proper go.. Who’s with us?' [b]We’re taking James Watt off the fifty pound notes, who will you replace him with? Why?[/b] Tom: David Attenborough. I know he’s not revolutionary, but I’d just like to see his face more often. Wanna know more about Cedar Studios? Check out their website! https://www.cedarstudios.co.uk/