[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31780790/d0ac3b5c191381f4a4601f862cbb4534dd2b1509.png[/img] Hey Scrubs! We took a little break from our usual blog programming for E3 and a few other exciting things we've had going on, but now we're back with a bang and taking on Two Point Hospital's animation powerhouse - Chris Knott! The decision has been taken to keep Knotty's answers in caps, as it just sums him up so well ;) [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31780790/0d6dcc627cc2806be5d975aa855ae55119472f58.jpg[/img] [b]How long have you been in the games industry?[/b] 21 YEARS [b]First game you worked on?[/b] URBAN CHAOS [b]Fave game to play at home?[/b] GTA [b]Fave little person game?[/b] TWO POINT HOSPITAL [b]When you’re not slogging away at Two Point Studio, where can you be found?[/b] OUTSIDE PINING TO BE LET BACK IN [b]What’s your party trick?[/b] DISAPPEARING [b]Now, the quickfire round! Answer these as quick as you can![/b] [b]If you could buy ANY kind of food RIGHT NOW what would it be?[/b] MEAT [b]Favourite movie quote?[/b] "THE GREATEST TRICK THE DEVIL PULLED WAS CONVINCING THE WORLD HE DIDN'T EXIST" [b]What’s your fave 90s tv show?[/b] ALAN PARTRIDGE [b]In your opinion, where’s the worst place you could get stuck?[/b] IN A HORSE [b]If you worked in a hospital, what would you do?[/b] MORTICIAN [b]Day or Night?[/b] NIGHT [b]Last film you watched?[/b] MON MON MON MONSTERS [b]Cats or Dogs?[/b] DOGS [b]Coffee or Tea?[/b] NEITHER [b]Who’s your fave member of Two Point and why?[/b] NONE OF THEM, THEY ARE ALL DREADFUL PEOPLE. [b]You’re going out to buy cheese, what cheese do you get?[/b] I DON'T LIKE CHEESE. [b]What’s the last thing you liked on social media?[/b] SOME PIXEL ART [b]You have to do a dance, what song will it be to?[/b] LIFELIKE AND KRIS MENACE - DISCOPOLIS [b]You’re running for PM, what will be your campaign slogan?[/b] VOTE FOR ME... OR KNOTT.... [b]We’re taking James Watt off the fifty pound notes, who will you replace him with? Why?[/b] DANNY DYER, BECAUSE HES NO MUG.