[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31780790/d0ac3b5c191381f4a4601f862cbb4534dd2b1509.png[/img] Hey Scrubs, I trust you're all well? I've been away for a week and am just catching up with all things Two Point Community! I wanted to stop by and let you all know - if you didn't know already - that we have been Nominated for PC Game of the Year at the Golden Joysticks! Voting is open until 25th October, so if you've been playing and loving Two Point Hospital we would REALLY appreciate you heading to the link below and dropping us a little vote! We really do have some tough competition so we do need your help <3 [url=https://www.gamesradar.com/goldenjoystickawards/#pc-game-of-the-year] Vote for us for PC Game of the Year! [/url] Voting closes this Thursday 25th October, and here's the small and utterly silly video we made for our social channels: [url=https://youtu.be/CvJBa90ULNk] Our video [/url] Thanks, Pals! Much love! Lauran