[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31780790/319d77ba367e7cd2b3e9cb12843465f277ab2b67.png[/img] Hello lovely people! It's a hugely exciting time for everyone here at Two Point Studios having just announced a new DLC for Two Point Hospital, but did you also know it's SEGA's 60th anniversary? We can tell you've got a look of shock on your face right now, and to be honest, we feel the same - 60 YEARS!? So many of us can relate to growing up with SEGA, perhaps your first console was a SEGA Master System, or you've got fond memories of Streets of Rage on your Megadrive, arguing with your sibling about who gets to be what character, or maybe you grew up with Sonic as your ultimate hedgehog hero! Whatever it was for you, we've no doubt SEGA has a place in all of hearts and has done for our whole lives.  We're so proud to be part of the SEGA family, and we want to celebrate this momentous occasion with you, our wonderful Two Point Hospital community with some FREE SEGA 60th Items - GO SEGA!  These items are available on Steam right now, so go download them (they're free after all!) and help us celebrate 60 years of Sega goodness! You'll also find a little update for Two Point Hospital too, check out the release notes below: [list][*]Added Brazilian Portuguese language option [*]Added 4 new items to celebrate Sega's 60th anniversary! You can find these items by using the 'Special' filter in the items menu.[list] [*]SEGA Out Run machine [*]One-eyed Mammoth (from Space Harrier) [*]SEGA Dream Catcher machine [*]SEGA Periscope Arcade Game[/list] [*]Fixes for missing text in various languages [*]Fix for Robo-Kit icons[/list] Have an awesome rest of your day, and be sure to go congratulate SEGA on their social channels!