Hi everyone! Exciting news: the first public [b]Demo of Townframe[/b] is finally done and[b] now playable for all of you[/b]! [previewyoutube=I7AkwAvGNHY;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Content:[/b] In this demo you can play a total of 8 levels, you can decide the order and which ones you want to solve. The playtime is 20 minutes. You can also unlock two main tools that allow you to solve some puzzles in a completely different way than just changing the house types. [i] Please note that the puzzles in this demo, their order and the entire world map are still open to change in the final game.[/i] [b]Language: [/b]The demo is currently only playable in English and German. As I still have a lot to do before the final release, I can't guarantee any other languages until then. But I definitely want to support more languages later! [b] Feedback:[/b] There is also the possibility to leave anonymous feedback directly in a Google form. This is completely optional, but I am very grateful for any feedback, no matter how small! Here's the link to the Google form in case you miss it in the game: [url=https://forms.gle/g1khP6uqUjRNx1FK8]Google Feedback Form[/url] And that's it for now. I wish you all a good time with the demo and see you soon. :) -Patrick