[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44237228/86485ad2d1d6d73be54c0fe15df75e94890fcdb5.png[/img] [i]Greetings, Aces![/i] When it comes to remapping your controls - you asked, so you shall receive! Just a day into our first sizable update and we're pushing a few more fixes and improvements your way… and - by popular demand - you can now customize your key bindings, keyboard players. Concisely conveyed, we crafted a core capability called upon by our committed community keen on conquering critical combos courtesy of customizable controls (say that five times fast!). We heard you loud and clear: you want to punch / slash / stab / club through the Wilds in your own way … It turns out that implementing control remapping is a bit bigger than initially anticipated. Right now, the full implementation of control remapping will take awhile as we work to get the UI elements in place, but the core functionality of remapping is available. So we pulled forward custom keybinding work allowing players to edit a file to customize mouse-and-keyboard controls to their liking. Is it pretty? [u]Nope[/u]. Does it work? [i]Absolutely[/i]. So, our first step is to allow players to customize via an .ini file while we continue to work on the implementation of in-game remapping for both mouse-and-keyboard [i]and[/i] controller. [h2]General Fixes / Updates[/h2] [list][*]Fixed an issue that caused other Aces to slide around on the World Map. [*]Fixed an issue where the McKrakenstein and Iron Pox Masks names and descriptions were swapped in the Nightcloak’s Vault. [*][b]Combat[/b]: Fixed an issue that caused the Ace to ignore HitStop during attacks after being hit by an Environmental Hazard. [*][b]Combat[/b]: Fixed an issue where it was too easy to do infinite combos to airborne enemies with the Sentinel Class. You can still juggle enemies for quite awhile but they’ll eventually fall to the ground faster if you don’t mix up your combo enough. [/list] [hr][/hr] [h2]How to Remap Key Bindings[/h2] Just to be clear, this isn’t the final solution. And, as soon as you get really good at this process - we encourage you to quickly forget it. Because, we’re going to put out a nice, shiny, user interface for remapping controls. Until then, you'll find a step-by-step instruction video below, with each step detailed beneath it. Enjoy remapping your controls! [previewyoutube=WRqfbw3YVas;full][/previewyoutube] [h3][b]Step 1[/b] [/h3]Grab a Founder’s Pack - and Download Towerborne :) [h3][b]Step 2[/b] [/h3]Click on Towerborne in Steam so that the main game page is displayed with the Play button. [h3][b]Step 3[/b] [/h3]Click on the Manage button on the right side of the Play button. Highlight Manage and select Browse Local Files. This will open the folder where Towerborne is installed. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44237228/0edcc455ce0f652077d5981a81d8e0628f4bba91.png[/img] [h3][b]Step 4[/b] [/h3]Now that you’re in the Towerborne folder, double click on the Belfry folder. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44237228/f0e491da240b1531c5486f50be4b9e222197bf02.png[/img] [h3][b]Step 5[/b] [/h3]While inside the Belfry folder, right click and select New -> Folder. Name this folder “[i]Config[/i]”. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44237228/78ffec0f0a1f10c6686cdaf914ca70e376663cef.gif[/img] [h3][b]Step 6[/b] [/h3]Open the “[i]Config[/i]” folder that you just created. While inside the Config folder, right click and select New -> Text Document. Name this document [b]“UserInput.ini”[/b]. You will get a confirmation message asking if you want to change the extension of the file. Hit “Yes”. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44237228/6b7ee3b0ed977a2b3be852ec48c801b7523f6177.gif[/img] [b]If you don’t have Show File Extensions enabled[/b], the above steps will not work. However, you can still create the .ini file by following similar steps. 1. Right Click -> Create New Text Document 2. Open the text document 3. Go to File -> Save As 4. Make sure the directory you're saving to is Towerborne -> Belfry -> Config 5. Under filename type “UserInput.ini” without quotations 6. In the Save as type select “All files” This process should create the [b]UserInput.ini[/b] file. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44237228/a772f41b07800e3126dac6ebb8780143214c99df.gif[/img] [h3][b]Step 7[/b] [/h3]Double click on the new [b]“UserInput.ini”[/b] file that you just created. This should open up your default text editing software. [h3][b]Step 8[/b] [/h3]Copy and Paste the following text into [b]UserInput.ini[/b]. These are the game’s default controls. [code][/Script/BfInput.BfEnhancedPlayerInput] +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Up",InputKeyName="W") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Down",InputKeyName="S") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Left",InputKeyName="A") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Right",InputKeyName="D") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Jump",InputKeyName="SpaceBar") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="LightAttack",InputKeyName="LeftMouseButton") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="HeavyAttack",InputKeyName="RightMouseButton") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Evade",InputKeyName="MiddleMouseButton") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="FocusSkillShift",InputKeyName="LeftShift") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Umbra",InputKeyName="LeftControl") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="SocialWheel",InputKeyName="Three") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Interact",InputKeyName="E") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="FocusSkillLight",InputKeyName="X") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="FocusSkillHeavy",InputKeyName="C") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="ClassMechanic",InputKeyName="LeftAlt") [/code] The InputMapName is largely self-explanatory. The Ace’s movement directions are Up, Down, Left, Right. FocusSkillShift represents the modifier button for doing Focus Skills. If you hold this button and then press Light or Heavy Attack, you will do a Light or Heavy Focus Skill. FocusSkillLight and FocusSkillHeavy provide alternative button mappings so that you can just press a single button to perform those specific actions. No need to even use the FocusSkillShift key. It’s not displayed anywhere in the game, but with default controls this is already assigned to X and C. It’s also assigned to I and O by default if you’re just using Keyboard Controls. [h3][b]Step 9[/b] [/h3]To change your controls, change the “[b]InputKeyName[/b]” section to the Keybind of your choice. For example, if you want Evade to be mapped to Left Shift, it would look like this: [code]+MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Evade",InputKeyName="LeftShift") [/code] [h3][b]Step 10[/b] [/h3]Once you’re done making your modifications, [b]save the UserInput.ini file.[/b] [h3][b]Step 11[/b] [/h3]Now you’re ready to play the game! Once you load the game, your new control scheme should just work. Since these changes are being made in an .ini file, you cannot make changes while the game is running. Sorry. It’s also worth noting that you will not see your new keys displayed in-game. This will work once the full feature is released, but for now the inputs you see on screen will not be reflective of your changes. [h3][b]Examples of Keybind Remapping[/b] [/h3]If you wanted to create a control scheme that utilized the Arrow Keys for movement and combat actions on the left side of the keyboard, it would look something like this: [code][/Script/BfInput.BfEnhancedPlayerInput] +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Up",InputKeyName="Up") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Down",InputKeyName="Down") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Left",InputKeyName="Left") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Right",InputKeyName="Right") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Jump",InputKeyName="SpaceBar") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="LightAttack",InputKeyName="A") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="HeavyAttack",InputKeyName="S") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Evade",InputKeyName="D") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Umbra",InputKeyName="Q") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="SocialWheel",InputKeyName="Three") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Interact",InputKeyName="F") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="FocusSkillLight",InputKeyName="W") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="FocusSkillHeavy",InputKeyName="E") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="ClassMechanic",InputKeyName="R") [/code] If you wanted to create a modified version of the existing control scheme where you moved the Evade button to LeftShift, Umbra to MiddleMouseButton, ClassMechanic to C, Interact to F, and Light and Heavy Focus Skills to Q and E, it would look something like this: [code][/Script/BfInput.BfEnhancedPlayerInput] +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Up",InputKeyName="W") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Down",InputKeyName="S") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Left",InputKeyName="A") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Right",InputKeyName="D") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Jump",InputKeyName="SpaceBar") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="LightAttack",InputKeyName="LeftMouseButton") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="HeavyAttack",InputKeyName="RightMouseButton") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Evade",InputKeyName="LeftShift") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Umbra",InputKeyName="MiddleMouseButton") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="SocialWheel",InputKeyName="Three") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="Interact",InputKeyName="F") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="FocusSkillLight",InputKeyName="Q") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="FocusSkillHeavy",InputKeyName="E") +MappingOverrides=(InputMapName="ClassMechanic",InputKeyName="C") [/code] [h3][b]Troubleshooting[/b][/h3] If you ever run into a problem where your controls are not working as expected, you can revert back to the default control scheme by just deleting the UserInput.ini file. If you’re having issues with certain keys not working, please see the list of Valid Keys in the next section below and make sure that your spelling is exactly as written in this list. [h3][b]List of Valid Keys[/b][/h3] Here is a list of valid keys that you can bind to. [b][i]The key that you want to use needs to be typed out exactly as written. [/i][/b] LeftMouseButton RightMouseButton MiddleMouseButton BackSpace Tab Enter Pause CapsLock SpaceBar PageUp PageDown End Home Left Up Right Down Insert Delete Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z NumPadZero NumPadOne NumPadTwo NumPadThree NumPadFour NumPadFive NumPadSix NumPadSeven NumPadEight NumPadNine Multiply Add Subtract Decimal Divide F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 LeftShift RightShift LeftControl RightControl LeftAlt RightAlt LeftCommand RightCommand Semicolon Equals Comma Hyphen Period Slash LeftBracket Backslash RightBracket Apostrophe