[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44237228/6e2f1be8988a05d469ec0dc8b7be514404a416ce.png[/img] [i]Greetings, Aces![/i] We're just one week out from Towerborne's Early Access release, and we've already fielded troves of high-quality feedback from all of you Founders out there. Keep it coming! From bug fixes to game balance tweaks to quality-of-life improvements – here's what's new: [h2]Gameplay[/h2] [list] [*][b]Writs Chest Fix:[/b] We've fixed a bug that was awarding Writs from Snaggleshire at Danger Level 1, as players were never meant to get Writs and Curios that early. This should not impact your total Writ inflow.[/*] [*][b]Curios Tab Fix:[/b] Resolved an issue where players who lost network connection would no longer see the Curios tab.[/*] [*][b]Bald Ace Fix:[/b] Your Ace will no longer appear bald after previewing a helm cosmetic in the Store or Curio tab if no helmet is equipped.[/*] [*][b]Mission Soft Lock:[/b] Fixed an issue where some players were getting stuck when destroying a monster spawner when an encounter is not properly activated.[/*] [*][b]Dialogue Fix:[/b] Corrected a conversation title that referenced the wrong NPC.[/*] [*][b]Quest Adjustments:[/b] [list] [*][i]A Return to Form[/i] quest text has been rephrased for clarity.[/*] [*][i]A Class Above the Rest[/i] has been updated to give you credit for playing with the Sentinel class.[/*] [/list] [/*] [/list] [h2]Combat[/h2] [list] [*][b]Hit Impacts:[/b] There was an issue where hit impacts were not displaying correctly when enemies were blocking. This has been fixed.[/*] [*][b]Status Effects:[/b] We fixed an issue where status effects lasted double or triple their intended durations, resulting in a scenario where the Ace could be stunned or poisoned for a long time. This also caused status effects to exceed damage expectations.[/*] [/list] [h2]Classes[/h2] We have been watching how everyone is playing their respective classes and we will have more to say about that later. Right now we're just focusing on fixing any obviously broken issues. Please continue to give us feedback, we've been reading it all! [list] [*][b]Sentinel:[/b] Fixed an issue where some attacks weren't contributing to the Valor Meter.[/*] [*][b]Rockbreaker:[/b] Reduced Break Bar damage from the Elbow Drop (Jump Heavy Attack).[/*] [*][b]Shadowstriker:[/b] Fixed an issue that caused the Class Mechanic to instantly build 3 bars by performing the focus ability, Deathrattle.[/*] [/list] [h2]Umbra[/h2] After watching players for the past week, it has become apparent that we need to make some adjustments to certain Umbra. When we look at total damage output, Break Bar damage, and situational use, it becomes very clear that several of them are significantly out-performing our intentions. Our Design intent for Umbra is that there should never be a global "Always-Use" Umbra, nor should an Umbra's ability be out-performing the Ace's Focus Abilities. As such, we have reduced the damage of several Umbra to be more inline with the expectation of the Ace's total kit. [list] [*][b]Sten:[/b] Sten's ability was primarily intended to provide the Ace a crowd control with moderate damage. Sten's damage was exceeding this and so we have reduced damage output by 30%.[/*] [*][b]Morberry:[/b] Morberry's radius of damage combined with total damage done turned out to be quite excessive, and so we have reduced the radius damage by 20%. Direct hits will still deal significant damage.[/*] [*][b]Papyrus:[/b] We went back and forth on Papyrus. We could have increased its cooldown and kept the damage output, however, we're pretty big fans of being able to extend combos using this Umbra and opted to lower its damage output instead of preventing cool moments. Overall, we have reduced Break Bar damage by 20%.[/*] [*][b]Pox:[/b] This simply was dealing a lot of damage on the initial hit in addition to dealing poison. Let's be real, it was pretty powerful. I mean, it also has multiple charges. Thus we have reduced initial explosion damage by 15% in order to bring Pox in line with other Umbra.[/*] [/list] [h2]Enemies[/h2] [list] [*][b]General Enemies[/b] (All Danger Levels): Reduced damage boost from Enraged enemies (from 1.5 to 1.1).[/*] [*][b]Mushboom[/b] (All Danger Levels): Poison duration cut in half.[/*] [*][b]Pangor:[/b] Fixed an issue preventing the Dig Attack from being used at Danger Level 4[/*] [*][b]Flickertail:[/b] [list] [*]Danger Level 2: Increased cooldown on Charge Attack, Spreadshot, and Opportunity Attack by 2-3 seconds. This is unchanged in DL3+.[/*] [*]All Danger Levels: Reduced AOE attack damage by 15%.[/*] [*]All Danger Levels: Slightly increased Break Bar health.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*][b]Madpole Pouncer/Bouncer/Trouncer[/b] (All Danger Levels): Health and Break Bar values adjusted to match each other.[/*] [*][b]Ratslasher Bloodletter[/b] (All Danger Levels): [list] [*]Health and Break Bar values adjusted to align with other Lieutenants.[/*] [*]Attack damage reduced by 15%.[/*] [*]Fixed an issue where the enemy wouldn't enter a stun state while Enraged.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*][b]Gobo Impaletail[/b] (All Danger Levels): Adjusted health and Break Bar values for consistency.[/*] [*][b]Boarealis Stoutswine[/b] (All Danger Levels): Health and Break Bar values tweaked to match other Lieutenants.[/*] [*][b]Gobo Skewerspear[/b] (All Danger Levels): [list] [*]Reduced attack damage by 20%.[/*] [*]Fixed an issue causing multiple burn stacks with the Ring of Fire attack.[/*] [*]Ring of Fire attack will only hit once, with a "Blowout" reaction in corners.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*][b]Gobo Tormentor[/b] (All Danger Levels): [list] [*]Reduced damage from totem buff by 25%.[/*] [*]Reduced damage from projectiles by 20%.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*][b]The Seamstress:[/b] We have made an adjustment to The Seamstress so that she's a more formidable opponent. As a result, it is no longer possible to juggle this enemy after depleting the Break Bar.[/*] [/list] [h2]Art & UI/UX[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed various issues with capes and cloth jittering when characters face certain directions.[/*] [*]Corrected texture issues with the Longship Founder's Pack cape and Gilded Assassin chestpiece.[/*] [*]Fixed clipping and distortion issues with several gear items, including the Steamsilk gear set and vintage faulds waist gear item.[/*] [*]Addressed a clipping issue with a bridge in the Ruins Biome and a background issue in Fungi Forest.[/*] [*]Fixed soft lock issues and improved the feel of scrolling lists and interactions in Mark Mode.[/*] [*]Addressed inventory count miscalculations and improved HUD prompts for lower resolution screens.[/*] [*]Various improvements to party displays, credits, and button callouts.[/*] [/list]