Release version 1.0.1 BUGS: - Fixed a bug that prevented shrines from counting as completed if surrounded by empty lake tiles. - Fixed a bug that caused rocky rivers to not properly apply the slow effect to some enemy types. - Fixed a bug that caused Merchant guilds ability the gain gold back from markets to not work correctly. - Changed the tooltip for merchants ability to show the proper value of gold gained back. - Fixed a bug where Lightning towers were not properly doing damage to armored enemies. - Fixed a bug where during a forts placement the range preview was displayed from wrong location. - Fixed a bug that allowed starting new waves above 100. - Game now uses correctly the highest [b]completed[/b] wave as score multiplier. OTHER: - Additions to various tooltips and description texts. - Removed range indicators from outpost tiles since there was no purpose for it. - Changed score values into a more readable format. - Adjusted maximum distance from camera when a cannon audio is still played. BALANCE: - Moved Bombards unlock value to 5 workshops. Note: This was changed since there was no intention to have multiple cannons be unlocked at the same time. - Changed Flamer workshop requirement to 6. - Changed Artillery workshop requirement to 8. Note: Artillery scales much better into the later waves due to its range and flamers have a bigger impact during the midgame. - Improved flamer damage by 100%. Note: previous iteration of flamer was doing less total damage than a mortar despite higher cost and requirements. - Lightning towers damage per tick was increased by 1.