I've rebalanced the default auto action priority values in this update so you may see characters behaving a bit differently. The new values are closer to each other, so there should be less difference between choosing priority 2 and 3 for example. Note if you've set up custom weightings, those settings will still be used so you might want to reset to try out the new values. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44216768/14238a2869c2b8618b540ebb139b38b360061cba.png[/img] [h3]===0.51.03===[/h3] [list] [*] Adjusted default priority weightings' desire offset upwards [*] Added extra reduction for desire when performing action will overflow hunger and energy bars [*] Business job work hours tooltip includes breakdown between foot traffic and contracts [*] Assets on characters now count towards household floorspace used [*] Added new threshold for XP gain rate (XP gained at faster rate from 50-75% than 75-100%) [*] Changed some notification sounds [*] Increased wealth required for floorspace demand [*] Added tutorial item and help button for City Explorer [*] Changed Auto Actions window help icon to help button with more information [*] Fixed gender icon missing on new game character set up screen [*] Fixed children displayed with moustaches and beards [/list]