Update Notes For v0.45.02
Author: PokingWaterGames,
published 4 months ago,
Hi everyone, thought I'd add more words to this post explaining why there's been no update to the game in almost 48 hours.
I've been working on a pay rise system which has been the most requested feature (or maybe it's the same person asking multiple times, I didn't check). Since this is a new system it required more time for design and testing.
The crazy 2-3 updates/day of launch week will slow down now especially when I'm working on new and bigger features instead of improving existing content.
[h3]Performance Reviews and Pay Rises[/h3]
For your regular jobs, every 12 months your character will undergo a performance review. When this happens you get some options.
You can only ask for a raise or accept a bonus payment if your work performance is high enough, i.e you are skilled at the job and didn't miss too many hours of work.
The percentage raise/bonus is affected by industry inflation. Workers in a declining industry will have a much smaller potential raise than those in booming industries.
[h3]Update Notes For v0.45.02[/h3]
[*] Added yearly performance review for jobs
[*] Maximum qualified you can be for a job is capped at 100%
[*] List business name in summary when staff quit, etc
[*] Business added icon for showing approximate hours your staff can handle
[*] Business hours displays stops converting into months if more than 728 hours
[*] Adjusted calculation for player business valuation
[*] Lowered max contracts at Lemonade Stand to 2
[*] Job minimum performance calculation changed to include industry inflation, less economic growth effect and less under/overpayment effect
[*] Fixed can change business base job while business is open with a certain click sequence
[*] Fixed staff demanding wage increases not accounting for their experience and city policies