Hi everyone! We've been working on various aspects of character customization lately. We've changed the way Slorm Reapers work (Slorm Reapers are weapons that you can find in the game) and we have added a new layer of customization called Character Attributes. [h1]Slorm Reapers Rework[/h1] Slorm Reapers were initially designed to enable new build opportunities and to make the player think on how to make the most out of its weapon by finding the proper synergies. Each Slorm Reaper has one or more positive effects and one negative effect (such as reducing your Max Life or preventing you from doing Critical Strikes etc...) so you had to figure out how to play around all these. Unfortunately, we ended up with underwhelming weapons, that felt weaker than regular Items and with a repealing negative effect, so looting one was a bit disappointing. Our design goal for the rework was to make Slorm Reapers a pretty rare item that you should be thrilled to loot, with awesome and ready-to-use effects but with super-strong hidden synergies to explore. A Slorm Reaper should always make you want to try it instantly. So we have divided the effects of Slorm Reapers: you now have a regular form that you can loot during your expeditions. Regular forms have been reworked to be much richer than before, they do not come with a Negative Effect and should work with pretty much every build. Each Reaper has an hidden form called the Primordial form that you can unlock by playing the regular version. The Primordial form is much stronger but also comes with a strong Negative effect so playing with a Primordial Reaper has to be thought through and planned. Both Reapers will be available at any point so you can switch to the Primordial form when you feel ready and come back to the regular form if you don't like how it works. Each Slorm Reaper also has a different design when it's in its Primordial form. And as stated in our Steam Page, there are 120 different Slorm Reapers to find and try out. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/6c8b47f628e11d1ab793ad36bfc272bf0019b7ba.jpg[/img] [i]Before/After of a Slorm Reaper.[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/1ac977d61cdb8a2d459d559c9af2215609031054.png[/img] [i]Regular Collection[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/ce09ab5822ffbbdb547583336d4b435e64c22a1d.png[/img] [i]Primordial Collection[/i] Hopefully, Slorm Reapers will be exciting to play for everyone! [h1]Character Attributes[/h1] We added a new layer of Customization to the game called Character Attributes. We did this because we felt that leveling up was not exciting enough, lacked proper feedback and rewards. We also felt that it was a bit tricky to fill gaps and really tailor stats to your needs. Since we feel like we have a lot of complex features, we decided to add something super simple, that will hopefully be easy to understand and use. Behold! The Character Attributes Menu: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/683737de3b3e89b5d7465372a713c54c4213f94c.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/3685f8082ca3165f52372bcc8a423eee23417682.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/1eabe561683c77b94652b096af367e375a14cfa2.png[/img] So basically, you gain a point every level that you can add to one among 8 different attributes: Toughness, Savagery, Fury, Determination, Zal, Willpower, Dexterity & Bravery. Each Attribute focuses on a base stat plus secondary stats and effects that work well together. Each point you add increases the base stat. Additionaly, you increase another stronger stat every 5 point (usually in %) and unlock various Effects every 15 points. Pretty straight forward! That's it for now!