Hi everyone! Here's the complete of changes for today's patch: [b]Steam Cloud[/b] There is now a Cloud/Local save manager to handle conflicts. You will most likely get a warning when launching the game the next time. It will look like this: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/7c149e4d16f146e630fa049d6466a787b720b393.jpg[/img] Do not panic. if you've been playing since The Slorm Temple update, picking your local save should be the correct option. If in doubt, the playtime should be a good indicator. The game will take care of the rest and normally upload to Steam Cloud as it used to before. [i]If you accidentally pick the wrong file, you will have the opportunity to recover so don't do anything and contact us. [/i] [b]Balance[/b] Just a quick balance pass on Spiders : Web's timer is no longer resetted if you already are affected by a Web effect. On top of that, when the Web effect ends, you have a small immunity window where you are immune to webs so it should be much easier to escape most situations. [b]The Slorm Temple[/b] Since there were some issues with finding Olorin, we've added a couple of infos: [list] [*] Olorin now has its own minimap icon. [*] Olorin now explains where he is located when he gets back to the village. [/list] [list] [*] Scaling of enemies should now work properly in The Slorm Temple after floor 260+. [*] You should no longer be stuck in the Temple Shrine when it lifts up. [/list] That's about it for now! Have fun!