Hi everyone! For today's patch, we've worked on the last crashes that we've found and most importantly, on Performance. It's quite far from over but that's a start. We've also been working on Out of Memory issues. It was a complex matter that took me a bit of time, so I didn't had the time to work/fix on a lot of other things. [b]Crashes:[/b] - Fixed a crash occuring when a Boulder would fall while dying - Fixed a crash occuring when casting Ray of Obliteration for too long - Fixed a crash when looking at Ancestral Skills with Swift Wings of Hermesal Equipped - Fixed a crash when closing the Blacksmith with an item being crafted - Fixed a crash when throwing an item away at the Blacksmith [b]Perfomances:[/b] - Drastically Improved FPS on Orb of the Temporal Master. - Drastically Improved FPS on Floating Damage Numbers / XP Numbers / Gold Numbers. - I used the word Drastically twice, so it has to be better. -> Much more to come later on. [b]Out of Memory Issues:[/b] - Fixed Memory Leaks here and there that should greatly reduce the number of "Out of Memory" crashes. - The game should no longer slow down during extended periods of gametime (or at least much less). [b]Attributes:[/b] - Dexterity: Rank 60 should now properly work. [b]Huntress:[/b] - Sharpened Blades now create Ravenous Daggers when hitting a wall. - Ravenous Daggers coming back at you also trigger Ravenous Swirl. - You should no longer get stuck in environment while using Tumble. [b]Mage:[/b] - Clones casting Orb of the Arcane Master will now be casted at the correct place when using a controller. - When using Rapidcast, you can no longer cast Ray of Obliteration while casting the clone (same for Arcane Barrier). - Arcane Clones should now keep casting when their target is out of screen range. - Arcane Clones should now properly attack when close to walls. - Wall of Omen should now stop expanding indefinitely. [b]Balance:[/b] - "Shadow Repercussion" now starts its Cooldown once its effect is over. - Rebound no longer resets the duration of the Projectile after the first Rebound. - Some Auras, such as "Air Conditioner" are now capped to no longer benefit more than 100% Aura/Area Increased Effect (Air Conditioner being the only one right now). [b]Extras:[/b] - You can now take a screenshot via Steam. - You can move up and down Friedrich's store with Mouse-Wheel.