Hello everyone! The Slorm Reapers Update (v.0.7.5) is now available! [h2]New Slorm Reapers[/h2] [b]68 Slorm Reapers[/b] have been added into The Slormancer! That's pretty much it. Of the 68 Slorm Reapers, there are 40 Unique Slorm Reapers and 28 Evolutions. This means that the Slorm Reapers Collection is now complete. However, 2 of the new Slorm Reapers are currently locked behing unavailable content right now: [list] [*] Vengeance will be acquired once you defeat Ohm Agad. [*] Altior will be acquired once you complete Adam Nostrus' Trials. [/list] [u]Some Advices to hunt Slorm Reapers:[/u] [olist] [*] Slorm Reapers are looted on Breaches (not enemies) so clearing Breaches is the way to go. [*] Rooms in The Slorm Temple count as Breaches. [*] Breaches from Story Missions can loot Slorm Reapers. [*] There are no Breaches in The Great Forge so you won't find Slorm Reapers there. [*] There is a hidden pity timer that [u]guarantees[/u] a Slorm Reaper every 150 Breaches. [/olist] [h2]Various Additions[/h2] We've added a couple of things that felt mandatory when working on this Update: [list] [*] Whenever a Skill resets its Cooldown Time due to a triggered effect, an animation will be played on its icon to clearly deliver the information. [*] Legendary Items and Slorm Reapers tooltips can now be scrolled up / down. [/list] [h2]Bugs & Performance[/h2] [h3]Performance:[/h3] [list] [*] Crafting lots of Slormites / Slormelines will compute instantaneously and will no longer cause the game to crash / freeze. [*] Opening FAT War Chests should no longer cause the game to crash / freeze. [list] [*] Goldus can now drop in stacks of 100 000. [*] Slormite, Slormelines and Slormandrites will be packed based on their Tier / Rarity. [*] In the absence of a Loot Filter, Items will be gradually filtered out to prevent 100s+ of Items displayed on screen (granting Goldus instead). This will literally only activate if more than 100 Items of a specific rarity are about to spawn, and will never filter out Epic or Legendary Items. [*] Item Names will be shown once the War Chest has done distributing all its content to prevent unnecessary performance constraints. [*] Looting all the content of a FAT War Chest should be much faster overall. [/list][/list] [h3]Bugs Fixed:[/h3] [list] [*] Having the Primal Ancestral Stone in a Tier 1 Ancestral Legacy Slot should no longer cause a crash. [*] Duplicating a currency should no longer be possible in the Material Tabs. [/list] That's about it for now! Cheers!