[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/b237ebd5a6908d81335d0fc43b1f5fc5ef16552c.png[/img] Hello everyone! The Balance Update (v.0.9.0) has been moved from the Experimental Branch to the Live Branch and is now available for everyone! [h2]Patch Notes[/h2] Given the size of the Patch Notes, we couldn't upload it here on Steam so it is available [url=https://www.slormitestudios.com/patch_0_9_0.php]here on our website[/url]. You can leave your feedback here on Steam, on our Forums or right below this post, but the best way to interact and chat with us about specific issues you're having is on our [url=https://discord.com/invite/tkYxSuB]Discord[/url], so feel free to join in! [h2]About Balance[/h2] We've made quite a lot of changes and I believe that it is safe to say that most builds will require at least a bit of adjustments to work properly. And if despite your best effort, you can no longer make your build work and that you feel that it is was unfairly nerfed, then open a topic or join our Discord and politely discuss it. [h2]Migrating a Save File from Experimental to Live[/h2] If you've been playing the Experimental Branch and would like to carry your progress over to the Live Branch, there is a small extra step that needs to be done: [olist] [*] Head over to C:/Users//AppData/Local/The_Slormancer and find the save_exp_0_9_1 file, copy it and rename it to save_1 (and erase the previous file). [*] When you launch The Slormancer, if Steam asks you to choose between the Local and the Cloud file, choose Local. [*] Profit![/olist][i]This assumes that you are playing on the Save Slot 1. if not, simply change the numbers accordingly (e.g: Rename save_exp_0_9_2 -> save_2 etc...)[/i] Have fun! Cheers! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/5294cb6e23b9b56386e991bcec197ea8732a9324.png[/img]