Hello everyone! As you may know, we've been working on a (THE) Balance Update for the past few months. We're a few days away from being done with it and we will be able to start testing all of our changes and reveal the Patch Notes for the 0.9 Update. We've made A LOT of changes (more on that below) and it is safe to say that we won't be able to cover everything in our testings, this is why we will first reveal the Patch Notes and talk about the changes with the community, and see if we've missed something. We will then release the Update before the end of June in the Experimental Branch of Early Access. It will be available to everyone that wants to access but the game will most likely be quite unstable. Once we (and you) are happy with the changes, we will move the Update to the public Early Access branch. But first thing first, the Patch Notes: It should be available around Tuesday next week. It should give us just enough time to proof-read everything and make sure we haven't missed something. [h2]About the Patch Notes[/h2] [olist] [*] The Patch Notes is about 21 000 character-long. It is about 4-times the size of our largest Slormite Chronicles. And since Steam has a character limit set to 8 000, we've had to host it somewhere else. We will still post the announcement here on Steam and you will be able to react here as well. [*] It has about 700 Entries about new mechanics, and balance changes. [list] [*] 81 entries for The Mighty Knight. [*] 102 entries for The Fierce Huntress. [*] 121 entries for The Mischievous Mage. [*] 66 entries for the Ancestral Legacy. [*] 23 entries for Attributes. [*] 34 Legendary Effects changed. [*] 38 (out of 72) Slorm Reapers changed.[/list][*]It has its own Navigation menu, that looks like this: [list] [*] Attack Speed and Cooldown Reduction [*] Auto-Attacks [*] Equipment Stats [*] Legendary Drops [*] Storage [*] NPC Unlocks [*] Slorm and Refunds [*] Blacksmith Costs [*] Wrath X Plus [*] The Slorm Temple [*] The Great Forge [*] Affinity and Reaper Runes [*] Ancestral Might [*] Masteries [*] Conversions / Synergies [*] Various Changes [*] Slorm Reapers [*] The Mighty Knight [*] The Fierce Huntress [*] The Mischievous Mage [*] Ancestral Legacy [*] Attributes [*] Ultimatums [*] Reaper Runes [*] Legendary Effects[/list][/olist]If you haven't, I suggest you read our previous Slormite Chronicles [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/1104280/announcements/detail/4174347995207375133]#36[/url] and [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/1104280/announcements/detail/4201372129457513908]#37[/url] in which we talk about some of the Balance changes that are coming. Here are a few more, that I believe we didn't mention: In the [b]Legendary Drops[/b] Category:[list][*] The Chance to drop Legendary Equipment on Battlefield Bosses has been increased by 100%. [*] Breaches from Battlefield Expeditions now have a chance to drop Legendary Items.[/list] In the [b]Blacksmith Costs[/b] Category:[list][*] Locking a Stat:[list][*] Now costs from 3 → 1 Slormeline of the relevant Rarity.[/list][*] Unlocking a Stat:[list] [*] Now costs from 9 → 1 Slormeline of the relevant Rarity. [*] Now costs a fixed amount of 500 Goldus (instead of 47 787 on a Level 80. Epic Stat).[/list][*] Epic Stat : Cost has been reduced by about 65% (from 9 557 → 3 186 on a Level 80 Epic Stat). [*] Epic Score : Cost has been reduced by about 65% (from 4 876 → 1 625 on a Level 80 Epic Stat).[/list] Enough with teasers. The entire Patch Notes is coming next week. [h2]What's next?[/h2] [b]Translating The Slormancer[/b] Once the Balance Update is live and well, we will have a couple more things to work on to get to the final 1.0 Release. The first one will be to work on translating The Slormancer. With dialogues, Skills, Slorm Reapers and quite a lot of other things, The Slormancer is currently about 60 000 words long which is getting quite substantial, and we will not be able to afford translating the game to every language. We will most likely get a professional translation for the largest languages and go for a mix of community / AI translation for the smaller ones. No matter what we choose to do, it is now on top of our to-do list. [b]The Warlords Update[/b] We will simultaneously start working on the very last content update called [b]The Warlords Update[/b] which will include the end of the Story, a new Endgame mode, the last part of the Trials and quite a few more Legendary Items. So everything is coming along. The Balance Update took us a bit more than anticipated but we believe it's for the best. It is actually much bigger than we expected but also much more thorough than what we originally shot for, which is good. This is a pretty short Chronicles as I've put everything I had to say in the Patch Notes. The rest of the reading is coming soon. So that's about it! Cheers!