Hello everyone! It's Chronicle time! [h2]Slorm Reapers, again![/h2] I feel like I'm only talking about Slorm Reapers lately in these Slormite Chronicles, but that's pretty much what this is what our daily lives are like. Slorm Reapers everyday, and night. For those of you that have missed our latest Slormites Chronicles, we are currently working on finishing the whole Slorm Reapers Collection. As of now, there are currently 52 Slorm Reapers available in The Slormancer for a total of 120 wanted. This means 68 new Slorm Reapers to deliver. The good news is that everything is coming along. We are slightly late on schedule but not by a big margin. This could have taken much more time than previously anticipated, so we're happy with how things are going. As for our current progress, at the time of writing this Chronicle, we are at: - Pre-production and Brainstorm : 100% Complete - Production (Actual Code) : 80% Complete - Assets (Icons and Visual FX): 70% Complete - Tests: Debug & Balance: 0% Complete This means that we should be done relatively soon but I'm still reluctant to give a release window right now, mostly because Christmas holidays are coming up. And we want to make sure that we are fully available to fix bugs for at least a week once the update releases. We also don't want to release an update that may introduce gamebreaking bugs while the holiday sales is going on, since this would be a pretty bad experience for new players. Basically, this means that we will probably aim for a release of this update slightly after Christmas, and possibly even slightly after the holidays, depending on how comfortable we are with our update. That being said, we're close to finish quite a big milestone for The Slormancer, and for us. And we're pretty happy with how things are going. We're not sure about the impact of adding so many Slorm Reapers for our Early Access players, since most of you already have [strike]totally broken[/strike] very viable builds with the weapons that already are in the game. But we're pretty confident that having so many different and unique weapons to choose from, level up, and discover will eventually pay off and hopefully be an important salespoint for the game. [h2]Slorm Reapers, again![/h2] Since we now have quite a bit of Slorm Reapers ready, I can finally show a bunch of screenshots of actual gameplay. It's not as efficient as videos but it's much faster to make, and it means that I will be able to return to coding Slorm Reapers soon enough. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/8c55e645015600166638519b138b38b9f9857f8f.png[/img] The first screenshot is based on the notorious Vegetable Reaper. Tyler, the rabbit is there with you, eating vegetables. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/c1e0aacda374f2b12611493830469417d0756d1e.png[/img] This is the Slorm Reaper of the Desecrated Unholy Sepulcher: When killing enemies, they will drop a small sepulcher. You will then be able to either cast Tomb Explosion or Tomb Profanation on them. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/65e31d7a4536c2a20c6592c00d1f9581b981c97e.png[/img] Slorm Reaper of the Spider Nest, turning you into ... a spider knight. On top of that, this Slorm Reaper makes your projectiles bounce off the edges of the camera instead of physical walls! That's about it for today! If you've missed the last Slormite Chronicles about Slorm Reapers, you can find them [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/1104280/announcements/detail/3774639576536488352]here[/url], and [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/1104280/announcements/detail/3749867242861566445]there![/url] Cheers everyone!