Hello everyone! [h1]The Great Forge[/h1] It's been a chaotic release for us, due to various bugs, performance issues and balance problems. We've already taken care of some of it and I do still have quite a list of bugs ahead but I can only fix them one at a time. That being said, we have one (hopefully) final patch regarding The Great Forge coming in the next few days. It will fix Performance issues for the most intensive builds such as Ray of Obliteration + Arcane Clones or any build using Vindictive Slam, along with the vast majority of bugs and issues regarding Runes. On a positive note, we're pretty happy with The Great Forge. And from what we've seen from our Discord, players seem to be having fun building massive War Chests, which is nice. Once the final Great Forge patch has been released, we will be able to move on to new horizons. [h1]The New Roadmap[/h1] Now feels like a good time to release the new Roadmap. Nothing has been added or removed from the old one, this is basically us taking a fresh start in our Early Access. With this new Roadmap also comes the intention of deploying Updates much more often, even if it means releasing less content at a time. I have to say that working for 5 months on the last update has been pretty hard. Despite the amount of content that was added, we've made almost no progress on the roadmap itself and it feels bad. So right now, we want to go for the exact opposite: Making smaller yet impactful updates, and ticking things off the Roadmap. And after so much time working on the same thing, we're super excited to work on new content. Now Behold! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/b2b55905b8c799a041c83c9f8292810108531ba1.jpg[/img] This new Milestones / Features gives us a bit more freedom regarding what we add and when we add it. The Milestones row is what we plan to follow, meaning that the next update is "The Luxuriant Update I", while the Features row is what we plan to add at any given point in-between updates. We are also done with adding new layers of customization or new mechanics for a while. Our goal is to focus on what we currently have and work on it. This means reworking what needs to be reworked and grow on existing layers such as adding Environments, Enemies, Slorm Reapers, Ancestral Skills and Legendary Items. We actually plan on finishing all these layers before even considering adding something entirely new. As for the last 2 endgame modes mentioned in the Road Map, both are based on existing mechanics that simply needs to be polished and fleshed out. In the near future, for the next 5 to 6 months, it should all be about building content for what we already have. This usually requires very little brainstorm or tests, which was the most time-consuming thing for our Slorm Temple and Great Forge updates. [h1]The Luxuriant Update I[/h1] Half our team (so 1 person) is already working full time on the new update, while I'm still here fixing bugs, writing devlogs and stuff. And while we have nothing absolutely new to offer, here are a few (fairly old) screenshots of what's coming: The Luxurious Gardens. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/aede086b56d161b6f006c2ad5d9baecb0a944856.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/48ca39f6fba99115087a09c71f44027473adc4c8.jpg[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/80b141c2c99b2b1dd829fcc70ebcaa7ac9138e3b.jpg[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/54948d18baa848a75eea31f07564b82124d574f8.jpg[/img] That's about it for now! Cheers!