Hello everyone! Don't mind me, I'm just fixing a few things I broke in yesterday's update. [h2]Bugs:[/h2] [list] [*] Super Elite Enemies should no longer appear without a proper name (Colossus and Necromancer) [*] Unstable Imps AoE's should now properly follow them when being pulled. [*] The Alternate Recipe of Slormelines should no longer mess with the Craft of Slormandrites. [*] The List of Epic Rolls should no longer be offsetted while reforging an Epic Item. [*] Primordial Aiondee should now properly work again. [*] Bryan's "In The Circle" protection should now properly disappear. [/list] [h2]Performance:[/h2] Fixed a memory leak causing the FPS to slow down in The Great Forge (eventually leading to crashes). That's about it!