Hello everyone! Here's the list of changes that were made over the yesterday's and today's patches. [h1]Balance:[/h1] [i]We've been monitoring what was achievable in The Great Forge and we've decided to make a first round of changes as some interractions with Greater Rewards were out of control.[/i] [list] [*] The chance to get Greater Rewards inside The Great Forge diminishes every time you pick a Greater Reward. The Greater Reward from Well-Deserved Rest remains guaranteed. [*] You can no longer get an Obelisk as a Challenge Choice if you already have that same Obelisk active, Allied or Hostile. [*] The Chance to have Obelisks as Challenge Choices has been reduced by 30%. [*] War Chest Quality and War Chest Quantity base rates have been halved. [*] Rewards with a "Rest of the Run" duration have been increased by +100%. [*] Rewards for "Attrition Battle" have been increased by 300%. [*] The Greater Reward: "You immediately gain +15% Slorm Quantity to your War Chest for every Reapersmith Spirit inside your War Chest." now reads "You immediately add +10 Slorm to your War Chest for every Reapersmith Spirit inside your War Chest." [*] The Greater Reward: "For the rest of the Expedition, you add +1 of a random type of Reapersmith Spirit to your War Chest everytime you kill an enemy." now reads "For the rest of the Expedition, you have 35% Chance to add +1 of a random type of Reapersmith Spirit to your War Chest everytime you kill an enemy." and is no longer affected by Wrath Rewards Multiplier since Wrath Level already increases the number of enemies per Wave. [*] The Obelisk Reward that adds +4% War Chest Quality every Wave now adds 2% instead. [*] The Obelisk Reward that adds +2% Equipment Quality every Wave now adds 4% instead. [*] Curse based on your Goldus now reads "Enemies have +X% Max Life. Max Life is equal to your current Goldus Quantity." [/list] [h1]The Great Forge Changes: [/h1] [list] [*] The War Chest now drops Loot much faster. [*] Goldus and Fragments from Items looted by the War Chest that are being filtered and converted are now immediately added to your Inventory instead of being looted. [*] The War Chest can no longer be opened while in Combat. [*] Obelisks are no longer affected by Cataclysms. [/list] [h1]Bugs: [/h1] [list] [*] Reaper of Necromancy should now properly grant the correct amount of Life to your Squire. [*] Enhancement Rune of Hagan and Enhancement Rune of Beigarth should now properly work. [*] Reaper Effect should now properly be increased by your Slorm Reaper Affinity. [*] The Greater Reward: "The total of every loot inside your War Chest is immediately increased by your current War Chest Quality." now properly only increases flat values, and not % Quality or Quantity. [/list] [h1]Performance: [/h1] [list] [*] Multiplie Memory Leaks and FPS-related issues were found and fixed. This includes issues with Rain of Arrows and various Cataclysms such as Floor is Lava or Replicant. Various parts were changed along the way that should result in FPS improvements everywhere in the game. [*] The "Low FX" setting hides new resource-heavy effects that were previously ignored. [/list] [b]About Performance:[/b] Due to the high density of enemies inside The Great Forge, lag is currently to be expected in high Wrath Levels. Here are some changes in your Gameplay Settings that you can make to improve your experience: - Hide Gathered Slorm: Disabled - Display Enemy Life Bar: Never - Disable Hero Damage: Never - Display Combo Meter: Never - Display Goldus/XP/Mana/Life/State Texts: Disabled - Display Debuff Icons: Disabled - In Settings: Low FX: Enabled This should reduce the lag you may experience. That's about it for today. We'll have another round of fixes next week, focusing on non-gamebreaking and again, on performance. May your War Chest be filled with shiny Legendaries! Cheers!