[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/b237ebd5a6908d81335d0fc43b1f5fc5ef16552c.png[/img] Hello everyone! The Balance Update (v.0.9.0) is now available on the Experimental Branch! [h2]Patch Notes[/h2] [url=https://www.slormitestudios.com/patch_0_9_0.php]The Patch Notes is available here on our website[/url]. [h2]Experimental Branch[/h2] The Balance Update adds a few new mechanics, balance, reworks and changes regarding New Player Experience and Endgame content so, as mentioned mentioned in previous Slormite Chronicles, we are releasing this Update on the Experimental Branch first. Given the amount of changes, and despite our best effort to balance it, this update hasn't been playtested enough for it to be released on the Live Branch so we plan to monitor player's feedback and quickly adjust while the game is in the Experimental Branch until we (and you) are satisfied with the game. You may leave your feedback here on Steam, on our Forums or right below this post, but the best way to interact and chat with us about specific issues you're having is on our [url=https://discord.com/invite/tkYxSuB]Discord[/url], so feel free to join in! As for GoG users, unfortunately we do not plan on releasing an Experimental version there so you will have to wait a bit until The Balance Update goes live on both platforms. [h2]About Balance[/h2] We've made quite a lot of changes and I believe that it is safe to say that most builds will require at least a bit of adjustments to work properly. And if despite your best effort, you can no longer make your build work and that you feel that it is was unfairly nerfed, then open a topic or join our Discord and politely discuss it. The very goal of going to the Experimental Branch first is to keep adjusting and balancing after all. [h2]How to play[/h2] To get access to the Experimental Branch, right click on The Slormancer, then: Properties -> Betas -> Beta Participation -> Experimental - Testing Branch. Once you start The Slormancer, it will make a copy of your save so your progress will carry over to the Experimental Branch. A few changes on The Balance Update (0.9) are not compatible with the current 0.8.5 version of The Slormancer, so if you want to go back to the Live Branch, your progress from the Experimental Branch will NOT carry back to the Live Branch. That being said, once The Balance Update moves from the Experimental Branch to the Live Branch, your save from the Experimental Branch will be elligible to be carried over. Have fun! Cheers! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35818693/5294cb6e23b9b56386e991bcec197ea8732a9324.png[/img]