Hey everyone, September is here and our copywriting HERO, best Marketing Manager EVER, charming English LEGEND...Matt, is finally on his well-deserved summer vacation. To fill in for him, especially with such a chunky update, we had to send over not 1 but 2 marketing bastards, XYZ & Berenger. As you know, Matt is so talented, so funny, and you guys are so dear to him that only 1 person is insufficient to hold his moustache. (Yeah Matt, I know you are embarrassed to read that from your hammock... that was the point.) But you don’t really care about XYZ and Berenger, the only thing you want to know about is what we’ve promised in our update roadmap which is : [b]MORE WEAPONS[/b] Behold: [h2][b] The Weapons Within Update![/b][/h2] (Yes, this title makes sense only if you get the Warrior Within reference, we couldn’t help it, sorry.) Watch the trailer here: [previewyoutube=o3-4Y39bAvA;full][/previewyoutube] [h3][b]TLDR:[/b][/h3] [list] [*] 13 new weapons + 7 old weapons reworked + Falcata removed. [*] Weapon Rack added + lower weapon drop rate. [*] Rework on how you can spend spirit glimmers. [*] Gameplay: rework on resin effect & Vayu's Blast (speed boost) rebalancing. [*] UI / Menu Tweaks. [*] Skill tree: a new perk added under Mithra. [*] Some bug fixes. [/list] Since the release, we’ve received a lot of feedback related to weapons, which is mainly about: underwhelming performance, lack of variety & power fantasy, some useless special attacks and overall, just not enough weapons. So, the update brings you… [h3][b]13 NEW WEAPONS, 7 OLD WEAPONS REWORKED [/b][/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44971889/157ee6bfe4932e26ef0343de1ff700ed54a67edd.png[/img] The plan was to offer you more toys to slay the Huns and improve the general weapon experience. Regarding the weapon performance, we adjusted the stats and tweaked some minor mechanics. We haven't neglected legacy weapons, which have all been reworked to be on par with the new ones. What about the Build and synergy effect? One thing we can say is we’ve laid the groundwork weapon-wise in this update, but you probably won’t notice until the Medallion Rework of the next update. Ok, enough high-level explanation, let’s take a closer look at what we have in this update! [h3][b]YOU CAN FINALLY CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON AT THE BEGINNING OF A RUN![/b][/h3] It's crazy we didn't make it happen earlier, but better late than never... Now, you will find a weapon rack at the start of Hun's Camp and Zagros Village, you have to select your initial loadout from the items on the rack or break through biomes with your bare hands. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44971889/fbd4e330c895757341b4f5c4eb5619b5f7626937.jpg[/img] [h3][b]The Mechanics Adjustments:[/b][/h3] [list] [*] [b]Triggering the special attack[/b]: for some weapons, you now only need to long-press the attack button, then special attack will perform [b]automatically[/b] when it’s ready. This slight tweak makes combat smoother and the control more intuitive. Try it and tell us if it works! [*] [b]Special attack with charge damage[/b]: in this case, you still have to long-press and release the button to perform it, because how long you press the button will decide how much damage you can charge and cause to the enemy. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44971889/38272d641bd78066b2bf6af33034e7111fc81edc.gif[/img] [i]Heavy Axe here as an example: press longer, charge more, damage more![/i] [*] [b]Critical Damage[/b]: finally, you can cause crit when you achieve some conditions in combat. It should encourage you to play with those toys and enjoy the beauty of rhythm in combat. [/list] [h3][b]New Weapons - Devs' Choice[/b][/h3] Listing 20 weapons could be dull, and would also spoil the fun, so we asked some Evil minions to pick out their favorites : [list] [*] [b]The champion is undoubtedly the Cestus[/b], 7 people voted for it. Because, as the sound they made, it’s ORA ORA and MUDA MUDA. Also, this weapon reminds our video artist, the guy who made all the trailers, of every fist fight he had when he grew up in the hood. Special Attack: stun nearby enemies. Crit after several successive hits. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44971889/3aa977a3afbc60f0693fc063bf0d5e709fe5bbd6.gif[/img] [*] [b]Monk Staff[/b] is also a hit, people like it being simple and elegant. Also, you can “kick projectiles back with it”. Special Attack: Repel enemies. Crit when the combo’s third strike hit on stunned enemies. [*] As the writer of this post, XYZ’s choice is [b]Poisoned Claw[/b], because it’s light and intuitive. And the poisoned effect goes well with some medallions. Special Attack: throw poisoned daggers. Crit with last strike of the combo on poisoned enemies. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44971889/4c1711075501425eb567c4ee7ed4b3dc6362a4b4.gif[/img] [/list] [h3][b]Other NEW Weapons Waiting for Your Testimony:[/b][/h3] [list] [*] [b]Imperial Axe[/b]: Special Attack: Break shields. Crit for several seconds after breaking a shield. [*][b] Corrupted Sword[/b]: Special Attack: Switch between light and heavy weapon. Crit when it’s the last hit of the combo. [*] [b]Chained Dagger[/b]: Hit enemies to mark them, special attack deals massive damage on marked enemies. Crit on enemies that are not marked. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44971889/3dee69ca4e25621865faf8ad7b7850980b872afb.gif[/img] [*] [b]Berserker’s Axes[/b]: Special Attack: Activate fury mode, increasing attack speed, damage inflicted and damage taken. Crit after taking damage. [*] [b]Hammer & Knife[/b]: Increase energy gained when you hit a certain amount of enemies. Special Attack: Inflicts bonus damage if energy is insufficient to use the tool. Crit after using the tool. [*] [b]Corrupted Axe[/b]: Special Attack: Consume 40 energy, boost damage for once. Maximum 120 energy can be consumed. Crit if energy is lower than certain value. [*] [b]Slayer[/b]: 3-hit combo. Special Attack: the later in the combo you trigger the special attack, the higher the damage. Crit after special attack . [*] [b]Iron Mace[/b]: Special Attack: Weaken enemies, making them susceptible to critical damage. [*] [b]Dented Pot[/b]: everything is random on this one! Just enjoy the uncertainty! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44971889/542f5309dff8af6987f3c92c5333dc72ecccbf8a.gif[/img] [*] [b]Corrupted Spear[/b]: Special Attack: Spawn spikes on the ground. Crit if enemy’s HP less than certain value. Well this one is actually adapted from old spear, but it's corrupted. And we've managed to create something completely new. [/list] [h3][b]Old Weapons Rework[/b][/h3] [list] [*] [b]Bagh Nakh[/b]: killing an enemy charges the special attack (3 max). Special Attack: Consume charges to increase the damage. Crit after a special attack. [*] [b]Broadsword[/b]: Special Attack: Keep holding the button to keep spinning. Crit on shielded enemies. [*] [b]Censer[/b]: Special Attack: Burn the censer for a few seconds. Crit with the third strike of the combo on burning enemies. [*][b] Double Daggers[/b]: Special Attack: Perform a lightning breakthrough wounding enemies. Crit after a dodge. [*] [b]Javelin[/b]: Special Attack: Long press the attack button to charge, release to launch the weapon to pierce through enemies (more charge, more enemies will be pierced). Crit: the next hit of the last hit of the combo causes crit. [*] [b]Royal Sword[/b]: Special Attack: Trigger a chain of devastating fast attacks. Crit after killing an enemy. [*] [b]Tabar[/b]: Special Attack: Long press the attack button to charge, release to cause damage (more charge, higher damage). Crit after a special attack. [/list] [h3][b]Falcata Removed[/b][/h3] As all the new stuff comes, we decided to remove Falcata (R.I.P), because the devs think it's too similar to other weapons. But the good thing is, they are considering to apply its "damage stack" effect into the design of Trinkets. [h3][b]Lower Weapon Drop Rate[/b][/h3] [list] [*] You cannot get weapons from chests anymore (the chests in challenging rooms are the other case). [*] But we added 1 extra Weapon Altar in each biome. [/list] [h3][b]Rework on how you can spend your glimmers:[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Instead of directly unlocking an item, you can now be a rational investor and allocate your glimmers for different items, skills or currency exchange as you wish. [*] But we suggest investing all your glimmers all the time, because glimmers not used in the Oasis will now be lost upon starting a run. [/list] [h3][b]Gameplay[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Rework on the Resin effect: it will now only lower movement speed, and will prevent ranged mobs from using their dash (everyone hates that pink rolling beast, I know...) [*] Vayu's Blast (speed boost) rebalancing: the duration has been increased to 6.6s, but the actions to fill the gauge have been slightly changed. [*] Increased max durability for weapons with "Awakening of Transience" equipped. [/list] [h3][b]UI / Menu[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Rework on HUD art to make it less cartoony and more like an action game. [*] Vayu's Blast (speed boost) gauge added. [*] Added gauges to meta progression unlocks in Oasis. [*] Energy cost is now visible on tools' tooltip [/list] [h3][b]Skill Tree[/b][/h3] [list] [*] New perk added in the Mithra skill tree: Mithra's Light [*] Changed 6th skill tree's name from Behram to Verethragna [/list] [b]Before we get into the long list of bug fixes, there is a known issue in this build that the team is working on it, a hot fix can be expected tomorrow to fix this bug:[/b] Potion counter and energy bar values will sometimes stop displaying. [b]The temporary workaround[/b] is to switch between full screen and windowed mode (press ALT+Enter twice). [h3][b]Bugfix:[/b][/h3] [b]Awakening[/b] [list] [*] Fixed an issue with "Awakening of the unexpected" that caused the Hatchets to still spawn [*] Fixed fountain's map icon still appearing with "Awakening of the insurmountable/Inevitable" equipped [/list] [b]Skill tree[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a typo with the Vayu's Protection perk [*] Fixed "Corrosive Resin" perk not dealing damage to protective auras [*] Corrected "Anahita's Barsom" perk description [*] Fixed "Vayu the Gilded" perk triggering on summons [*] Fixed "Divine Flame" perk not applying the bonus damage [*] Fixed an issue with "Berude's Gauntlet" that could alter the Prince's jump speed [*] Fixed "Prayer to Anahita" perk not triggering when hit by projectiles in close range [/list] [b]Visuals[/b] [list] [*] Fixed gold bags clipping with floor [*] Corrected a text issue with Astara's tooltip [*] Fixed black boxes spawning in Temple [*] Fixed lingering VFX when The Prince was hit by Berude's shockwaves [*] Fixed some unintended water leaks in Aqueduct [*] Fixed pause menu still displaying some visual effects [/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list] [*] Fixed an issue with resin that caused VFXs to be delayed [*] Fixed an issue with the biome progression bar in the loading screen displaying the wrong stage upon resuming a save [*] Fixed weapons buffer during combos [*] Fixed ledge grab ignoring doors [/list] So voila! That’s everything we have in this update. It’s just the first shot in our roadmap for the next couple months before the end of 2024, medallion rework, more biomes & boss, art overhaul and more content is coming soon! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44971889/69e73f1d5aafe0d64cacb33c93dd5edbbe458816.png[/img] Cheers, XYZ, Berenger & EE