Hello, For once, it's not Matt talking to you, he is enjoying a well-deserved long week-end right now. So it's up to me, his favorite colleague (well, I hope so) : Bérenger to share the good news. But I have to be transparent with you : unlike him,I have no moustache and no fancy british accent. I apologize in advance for the disapointment. Anyway, now that the introductions have been made, it's time to ... introduce a new little update available on the public test branch. To know out how to access it, go to this post -> https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2717880/view/4181107834741757478. The most shiny additions are a new skill : the Moksha Altar and a new mob made to give the prince a hard time with his vertical AOE attacks. Which reminds me that we should probably start finding proper names to all those nasty evil Huns. The codenames we use internally are probably too cryptic for everyone so if you have any suggestions, we take it. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44971889/47b87713017d2df73b5682e0ade3b69d5ec77f8c.gif[/img] [u][b]Changes:[/b][/u][list][*] New mob, it will spawn in Aqueduct and Garden [*] New skill tree perk: Moksha Altar [*] Level design adjustments to Temple of Atar [*] Tweaks to weapons SFX [/list] [u][b]Bugfixes:[/b][/u][list][*] Fixed an issue that caused infinite loading [*] Fixed interact prompt being offset on controller [*] Fixed an issue with camera focus on some interactable items [*] Fixed an issue with elevator gears in Academy [*] Fixed an issue that caused Astara to not spawn [*] Fixed Falcata's damage not scaling with stacks [*] And a whole bunch of very minor bugfixes [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44971889/30f2fd1760723fe9c2a975bee59baaebf8ec5069.png[/img] Have fun, Thanks, [strike]Matt[/strike] Bérenger & the EE team