I'm happy to announce that you can now try the demo for [i][b]The Hidden Art of Innkeeping[/b][/i] on [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2613800/The_Hidden_Art_of_Innkeeping/]Steam[/url]! If you have any feedback on the demo, I'd love to hear it, and you can post it in this [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2613800/discussions/0/4139438760461008577/]discussion topic on Steam[/url]. You can post any bugs you find there as well (I really hope there won't be any!). I'd also like to highlight the paintings in the game. I've been working with a talented and very nice artist named Fatti ([url=https://twitter.com/fqttiii]https://twitter.com/fqttiii[/url]) who created the title screen below. You'll see a couple of other paintings in the demo as well. It's been amazing to watch the transformation of the 2D top-down maps in the game into these beautiful paintings. [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/44662014/9592332222134b92f7415f113ded48f08ffe083b.png[/img] Finally, Steam Next Fest is coming up next month (Feb 5-12), and I'm sure you're going to see lots of exciting new games in that! I'm participating as well and planning to do a couple livestreams. I'll also try to do a practice run before that, to test things out. Here's the tentative schedule if you want to check them out (you'll be able to see them on the game's Steam page): [list][*]Practice run: 12:00 pm (noon) PT on Sat, Feb 3 (20:00 UTC on Sat, Feb 3) [*]Steam Next Fest Livestream 1: 7:00 pm PT on Tue, Feb 6 (03:00 UTC on Wed, Feb 7) [*]Steam Next Fest Livestream 2: 12:00 pm (noon) PT on Sat, Feb 10 (20:00 UTC on Sat, Feb 10)[/list] I'm very nervous because I've not livestreamed before. I would say it'll be more of a casual get-together where I'll play the demo and answer any questions, rather than a slick, professional production (it's totally not going to be anything near that). Anyway, I'd love to chat with players/gamedevs if you can make it!