Hey everyone, For this patch we’ve re-worked the UI interface for all fires, gardens and item holders. You can now cycle through these by pressing R and see the items that are coming up next. This change includes new pickup icons for most of the items in the game. For home icons, we’ve added the ability to change their color, and also the ability to turn each off individually. If you have a lot of buildings with lots of shelters or beds built you can now toggle which display an icon and what color they show. For multiplayer characters, we’ve added a new cloth blood shader, which allows blood to visibly seep through extra worn clothing such as jackets or the suit. Random selection of player characters has been altered to ensure players see more variety in types when respawning, and a new hair shader has been added to one of the multiplayer character types, along with new hair models and textures. We improved the enemy ai around player built structures. They can now spot you through windows, and if they see you run inside a structure they will more often attempt to break down the door to get to you. For tree cutting, we matched all cut models to the actual tree, so instead of seeing cut sections appear separate from the main tree model, it should now look mostly seamless. We did some audio polish, adding in some missing sounds for crows, mixing the opening plane crash audio to play in surround sound, added a new skin animal sound effect, and balanced lots of the audio in different parts of the world. There are some new particles added for cave waterfalls, and also for underwater particular matter. Along with this we improved the look of some of the particles we introduced last patch and also added new snow dust when you hit a plant in the snowy area. Along with this there are also a bunch of bug fixes, for the full list visit:http://survivetheforest.com and https://www.facebook.com/SKSgames/posts/1616130421734395 As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/242760/]Discussions area of the Community Hub [/url]