Hey Everyone, This patch introduces a new game mode, where trees will grow back overtime as you sleep. Type: regrowmode in the title scene to activate this mode. With it enabled, a percent of trees will grow back each time you sleep at a shelter. Sleep enough times without cutting down any trees and eventually the entire forest will be repopulated. Note - to keep a tree from regrowing in this mode, remove both the tree and the stump so that they don’t grow back inside your base. For multiplayer we fixed some issues where enemy a.i. would often prioritize the host player over any clients if both were nearby, and have finally gotten hole cutting working for structures in multiplayer games, it’s actually even possible to cut holes right out from under other players. We’ve blocked this action for clients if iron forest mode is enabled by host to stop unwanted renovations to your buildings by other players. A new meat eating animation has been added to help with immersion, and a new poison system for enemies has been added - now when hit with a poisoned arrow instead of simply taking damage they will move much slower for a short period of time - this is especially helpful for some of the game’s faster enemies. Sticks can now be stored in and transported in the log sled, a ton of bugs have been fixed including one where it would make it impossible to open your inventory upon loading if you had saved without the plane axe in your inventory, there have been some a.i. Improvements especially with pathfinding around villages, some new particle effects added, and lots more tweaks and fixes all listed at: http://survivetheforest.com and https://www.facebook.com/SKSgames/posts/1339380919409348 As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/242760/]Discussions area of the Community Hub [/url]