[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/9313356/d21d07db4ab9ba8f59145c7546066e85d760814a.png[/img] Thanks to the January vacation, first month of the 2018 year went very fast, but still we done a lot of things: [list] [*] We found solution to the old problem when textures become muddy. From now this trouble shouldn’t appear. [*] We improved optimization this made lower freezing during the activation layers. [*] We lowered noticeability of the trouble with too intensive shining of the objects, but still we didn’t solve this problem yet we just found the way to hide it. [*] In the section 4 we added more traps and small events also we added few small improving of the previous sections. [*] Work at 5th section is not stopped either, Andrey KPy30 Suhachev made some monumental constructions of the final scene and made environment livelier. But still there is many things that need to be done. [/list] [b]Updates that were written before added only in the beta branch. [/b] [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/9313356/626fe58f4fcea504a6e13a7e2bab12cc282d4049.png[/img] Another news – with Alexey Fufaev help we could launch The Cursed Forest on Linux by Wine!. Game run there pretty stable, but with a few not critical problems. Very soon we will prepare step by step instruction how to run it and more description about that. [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/9313356/c9da5fbf64df7d164d4fde2fdae251e22326fe6c.png[/img] That is all for now, thank you for your time and don’t forget to follow the news!